Resource recovery from wastewaters using microalgae-based approaches: A circular bioeconomy perspective
The basic concepts of circular bioeconomy are reduce, reuse and recycle. Recovery of
recyclable nutrients from secondary sources could play a key role in meeting the increased …
recyclable nutrients from secondary sources could play a key role in meeting the increased …
The global dilemma of soil legacy phosphorus and its improvement strategies under recent changes in agro-ecosystem sustainability
Phosphorus (P) is one of the six key elements in plant nutrition and effectively plays a vital
role in all major metabolic activities. It is an essential nutrient for plants linked to human food …
role in all major metabolic activities. It is an essential nutrient for plants linked to human food …
Revealing soil legacy phosphorus to promote sustainable agriculture in Brazil
Exploiting native soil phosphorus (P) and the large reservoirs of residual P accumulated
over decades of cultivation, namely “legacy P”, has great potential to overcome the high …
over decades of cultivation, namely “legacy P”, has great potential to overcome the high …
Use of compost and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria affect sugarcane mineral nutrition, phosphorus availability, and the soil bacterial community
GA Estrada-Bonilla, A Durrer, EJBN Cardoso - Applied Soil Ecology, 2021 - Elsevier
The appropriate utilization of phosphorus (P) for fertilization of sugarcane is critical to reduce
the economic costs and the environmental impact caused by traditional management …
the economic costs and the environmental impact caused by traditional management …
[HTML][HTML] Enhanced cultivation and lipid production of isolated microalgae strains using municipal wastewater
Cultivation of microalgae in wastewater is strongly related to the selection of suitable
species for a specific type of wastewater. Thus, this study presented the cultivation of …
species for a specific type of wastewater. Thus, this study presented the cultivation of …
Forest restoration rehabilitates soil multifunctionality in riparian zones of sugarcane production landscapes
Brazilian sugarcane plays a vital role in the production of both sugar and renewable energy.
However, land use change and long-term conventional sugarcane cultivation have …
However, land use change and long-term conventional sugarcane cultivation have …
Phosphorus availability and its sustainable use
I El Attar, M Hnini, K Taha, J Aurag - Journal of Soil Science and Plant …, 2022 - Springer
Phosphorus (P) is fundamental to all life forms and considered a major limiting factor for
plant growth. However, soils remain inherently poor in available P content as P can be lost …
plant growth. However, soils remain inherently poor in available P content as P can be lost …
Sustainability in sugarcane supply chain in Brazil: Issues and way forward
This study presents a literature review of the main advances that took place in the last 10
years in the agricultural production of sugarcane in Brazil, which can effectively result in …
years in the agricultural production of sugarcane in Brazil, which can effectively result in …
[PDF][PDF] A critical review of soil phosphorus dynamics and biogeochemical processes for unlocking soil phosphorus reserves
This chapter provides an overview of the relative contributions of organic and inorganic
sources to soil phosphorus (P) accumulation, its dynamics, and the use of amendments in …
sources to soil phosphorus (P) accumulation, its dynamics, and the use of amendments in …
Restoring soil carbon and chemical properties through silvopastoral adoption in the Colombian Amazon region
A Olaya‐Montes, MP Llanos‐Cabrera… - Land Degradation & …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been widely implemented in the Colombian Amazon
region to improve pastures involving a greater diversity of species, soil tillage, fertilization …
region to improve pastures involving a greater diversity of species, soil tillage, fertilization …