Complications after operatively treated distal radius fractures
R Rosenauer, C Pezzei, S Quadlbauer… - Archives of Orthopaedic …, 2020 - Springer
In the recent years, treatment of distal radius fractures (DRF) has advanced considerably.
Surgical fixation with palmar angular stable plate has gained popularity, due to a reported …
Surgical fixation with palmar angular stable plate has gained popularity, due to a reported …
Arthroscopic assisted treatment of distal radius fractures and concomitant injuries
T Kastenberger, P Kaiser, G Schmidle… - Archives of Orthopaedic …, 2020 - Springer
Wrist arthroscopy is mainly used to assist fracture reduction and fixation and to diagnose
and treat concomitant injuries mainly to the scapholunate (SL), lunotriquetral (LT) ligament …
and treat concomitant injuries mainly to the scapholunate (SL), lunotriquetral (LT) ligament …
Outcomes of arthroscopic-assisted distal radius fracture volar plating: a meta-analysis
Z Shihab, B Sivakumar, D Graham… - The Journal of Hand …, 2022 - Elsevier
Purpose The use of wrist arthroscopy to assist fixation of distal radius fractures with volar
locking plates (VLPs) has been gaining popularity in recent years; however, there is no …
locking plates (VLPs) has been gaining popularity in recent years; however, there is no …
Donor site complications following anterior iliac crest bone graft for treatment of distal radius fractures
AJ Suda, CT Schamberger, T Viergutz - Archives of Orthopaedic and …, 2019 - Springer
Introduction In distal radius fractures with metaphyseal comminution, bone grafting or the
use of a bone substitute may be necessary. Harvesting autologous iliac crest bone graft for …
use of a bone substitute may be necessary. Harvesting autologous iliac crest bone graft for …
Distal radius fracture of the adult: Diagnostics and therapy
F Unglaub, MF Langer, B Hohendorff, LP Müller… - Der Orthopäde, 2017 - Springer
Die distale Radiusfraktur ist weiterhin die häufigste Fraktur des Menschen. Neben den
überwiegend älteren, weiblichen Patienten tritt diese auch seltener durch Mittel-oder …
überwiegend älteren, weiblichen Patienten tritt diese auch seltener durch Mittel-oder …
Spontaneous radioscapholunate fusion after septic arthritis of the wrist: a case report
S Quadlbauer, C Pezzei, J Jurkowitsch… - Archives of orthopaedic …, 2017 - Springer
Bacterial septic arthritis rarely occurs in the upper extremities. Yet, early diagnosis and
treatment is important, as a delay in diagnosis results in pain, impaired hand function, and …
treatment is important, as a delay in diagnosis results in pain, impaired hand function, and …
Современные тенденции в диагностике и хирургическом лечении переломов дистального метаэпифиза лучевой кости (научный обзор)
ВВ Хоминец, МВ Ткаченко, ВС Иванов… - Профилактическая и …, 2020 -
Введение. Переломы лучевой кости в «типичном месте» являются наиболее
распространенным видом травмы у взрослых людей, составляя почти 16-20% всех …
распространенным видом травмы у взрослых людей, составляя почти 16-20% всех …
Arthroskopische Operationsverfahren an Hand und Handgelenk
HG Tünnerhoff, S Löw - Expertenwissen Handchirurgie, 2024 - Springer
Diagnostik und operative therapeutische Verfahren der Arthroskopie am Handgelenk
werden bezüglich Indikation und technischer Durchführung dargestellt: Zentrale …
werden bezüglich Indikation und technischer Durchführung dargestellt: Zentrale …
Significance of scapholunate gap width as measured by probe from midcarpal
S Löw, H Erne, U Strobl, F Unglaub… - Journal of Wrist …, 2017 -
Background Geissler's classification is widely accepted in arthroscopic diagnostics of
scapholunate (SL) ligament injury. Thereby, probe insertion into the SL gap from the …
scapholunate (SL) ligament injury. Thereby, probe insertion into the SL gap from the …
Extra-cortical osteosynthesis in fructures of the wing and the body of the ilium in dogs
VV Annikov, Z Abdelhadi, YA Vatnikov… - … Sciences and Research, 2018 -
Injuries of the musculoskeletal system in the form of fractures are common in the practice of
a veterinarian. Modeling of bone fractures has the purpose to determine the optimal method …
a veterinarian. Modeling of bone fractures has the purpose to determine the optimal method …