Recent population expansion of longtail tuna Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851) inferred from the mitochondrial DNA markers

NS Kasim, TNAM Jaafar, RM Piah, WM Arshaad… - PeerJ, 2020‏ -
The population genetic diversity and demographic history of the longtail tuna Thunnus
tonggol in Malaysian waters was investigated using mitochondrial DNA D-loop and NADH …

Status, distribution, and morphometric analysis of the genus Trichopodus in Sumatra, Indonesia

FM Nur, R Gustiano, H Haryono… - The European …, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Trichopodus, the genus of dwarf gourami fish, is the oldest genus in the Osphronemidae
family, with six valid species, three of which are found in Sumatra. In this study, the status …

Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene analysis of the yellowfin snapper, Lutjanus xanthopinnis in the Indo-Pacific region and a note on Lutjanus lutjanus …

T Arai, H Taha, N Alidon, J Jumat, S Azmey, ND Zan… - Heliyon, 2023‏ -
The yellowfin snapper, Lutjanus xanthopinnis, was recorded as a newly described species
in the Indo-Pacific region in 2015. However, the knowledge of its biology, biogeography and …

Genetic diversity and divergence among native and translocated populations of the golden flathead goby Glossogobius aureus (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) in Philippine …

OP Abdulmalik-Labe, AJL Eduardo, JP Quilang - Plos one, 2023‏ -
The golden flathead goby Glossogobius aureus is a native species in the Philippines,
Australia, Japan, Taiwan, and many other countries in Asia. In the Philippines, it is an …

DNA Barcoding of Commercially Important Trevallies, Carangoides spp. (Carangiformes: Carangidae): A Baseline Report of Species from Malaysia

NFM Nur, S Abdullah, YG Seah, SAM Nor… - … An International Journal …, 2022‏ - Springer
Species of genus Carangoides also known as trevallies are one of the commercially
exploited groups of fishes in Malaysia. The genus Carangoides consists of fishes with mixed …

The use of two pairs primer for CO1 gene amplification on traded stingray at fish auction Tasik Agung Rembang

N Setiati, N Hidayah - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020‏ -
Stingray provide a high economic contribution and increase in production and utilization.
Conservation effort needed to identify molecularly using CO1 gene. The success of CO1 …

[PDF][PDF] Domestication of Snakeskin Gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis Regan, 1910) in Indonesia: characterization, bioreproduction and early development

R Gustiano, I Iskandariah, MF Ath-Thar… - Pakistan J …, 2022‏ -
Domestication is the important step to increase the production and productivity of the
snakeskin gourami in Indonesia. At the initial step of domestication, information on …

[HTML][HTML] Population Genetic Structure of Marine Leech, Pterobdella arugamensis in Indo-West Pacific Region

S Azmey, H Taha, G Mahasri, M Amin, A Habib… - Genes, 2022‏ -
Grouper aquaculture is rapidly expanding in both tropical and subtropical regions. The
presence of marine leeches (Pterobdella arugamensis; previously named Zeylanicobdella …

Genetic variation of domesticated discus (Symphysodon spp.)

TT Ng, YY Sung, M Danish-Daniel… - Aquaculture …, 2021‏ -
Domesticated discus (Symphysodon spp.) exhibits highly diversified phenotypes
appearances. However, genetic basis of the discus varieties and the relationship among …

Phylogeographic investigation of the bladder grasshopper Bullacris unicolor (Orthoptera Pneumoroidea) in South Africa

R Sathyan, A Engelbrecht… - Ethology Ecology & …, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
There are several factors, such as genetic drift, gene flow and migration that affect the
population genetic structure and phylogeographic distribution of genetic lineages within …