Evolving the future: Toward a science of intentional change
Humans possess great capacity for behavioral and cultural change, but our ability to
manage change is still limited. This article has two major objectives: first, to sketch a basic …
manage change is still limited. This article has two major objectives: first, to sketch a basic …
Self-regulation, health, and illness: An overview
The overall goal of this volume is to foster an integrated understanding of a self-regulation
perspective of health and illness behavior. Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning …
perspective of health and illness behavior. Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning …
Health information privacy concerns, antecedents, and information disclosure intention in online health communities
This study explores the antecedents and consequences of health information privacy
concerns in online health communities by integrating the dual calculus and protection …
concerns in online health communities by integrating the dual calculus and protection …
The digitization of healthcare: boundary risks, emotion, and consumer willingness to disclose personal health information
As healthcare becomes increasingly digitized, the promise of improved care enabled by
technological advances inevitably must be traded off against any unintended negative …
technological advances inevitably must be traded off against any unintended negative …
The implications of framing effects for citizen competence
Social scientists have documented framing effects in a wide range of contexts, including
surveys, experiments, and actual political campaigns. Many view work on framing effects as …
surveys, experiments, and actual political campaigns. Many view work on framing effects as …
Seven models of framing: Implications for public relations
Framing is a potentially useful paradigm for examining the strategic creation of public
relations messages and audience responses. Based on a literature review across …
relations messages and audience responses. Based on a literature review across …
The influence of framing on risky decisions: A meta-analysis
In framing studies, logically equivalent choice situations are differently described and the
resulting preferences are studied. A meta-analysis of framing effects is presented for risky …
resulting preferences are studied. A meta-analysis of framing effects is presented for risky …
Political preference formation: Competition, deliberation, and the (ir) relevance of framing effects
One of the most contested questions in the social sciences is whether people behave
rationally. A large body of work assumes that individuals do in fact make rational economic …
rationally. A large body of work assumes that individuals do in fact make rational economic …
[کتاب][B] Framing Europe: television news and European integration
CH De Vreese - 2003 - dare.uva.nl
Thee idea for this book emerged in spring 1998 when, during an internship at thee national
television news program in the Netherlands, I was dazzled by a seemingg paradox: On the …
television news program in the Netherlands, I was dazzled by a seemingg paradox: On the …
Predicting risk sensitivity in humans and lower animals: risk as variance or coefficient of variation.
This article examines the statistical determinants of risk preference. In a meta-analysis of
animal risk preference (foraging birds and insects), the coefficient of variation (CV), a …
animal risk preference (foraging birds and insects), the coefficient of variation (CV), a …