Intellectual capital and firm performance: evidence from certified firms from the EFQM excellence model
M Yousaf - Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of intellectual capital (IC) on the
firm's performance. Using a sample of 336 Czech firms, including 20 certified firms from the …
firm's performance. Using a sample of 336 Czech firms, including 20 certified firms from the …
Measures that matter: an empirical investigation of intellectual capital and financial performance of banking firms in Indonesia
Purpose This study aims to investigate the intellectual capital–financial performance
relationship using two models, namely the conventional Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient …
relationship using two models, namely the conventional Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient …
Measuring intangible assets—A review of the state of the art
K Van Criekingen, C Bloch… - Journal of Economic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents an overview of the state of the art in the field surrounding the
measurement of “intangibles” for productivity analysis. The purpose of the paper is to inform …
measurement of “intangibles” for productivity analysis. The purpose of the paper is to inform …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of intellectual capital on firm performance: A modified and extended VAIC model.
Intellectual capital (IC) is generally understood as an important driver of firm competitiveness
improvement and value generation in the knowledge economy. The manufacturing industry …
improvement and value generation in the knowledge economy. The manufacturing industry …
Business strategy, intellectual capital, firm performance, and bankruptcy risk: evidence from Oman's non-financial sector companies
Purpose This research examines the influence of business strategy and intellectual capital
on firm performance and bankruptcy risk of Oman's non-financial sector companies …
on firm performance and bankruptcy risk of Oman's non-financial sector companies …
The interrelationship between intellectual capital and firm performance: evidence from China's manufacturing sector
J Xu, J Li - Journal of intellectual capital, 2022 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of intellectual capital (IC) and its
components (human, structural and relational capitals) on the performance of manufacturing …
components (human, structural and relational capitals) on the performance of manufacturing …
[HTML][HTML] Intellectual capital, technological innovation and firm performance: Evidence from China's manufacturing sector
Intellectual capital (IC) is considered to be a main driver of organizational success in the
knowledge economy. This study examines the impacts of three IC components, including …
knowledge economy. This study examines the impacts of three IC components, including …
Intellectual capital, sustainable economic and financial performance and value creation in emerging markets: the case of Brazil
RVD Jordão, VR Almeida, J Novas - The Bottom Line, 2022 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of intellectual capital (IC) on
sustainable economic and financial performance (EFP) and value creation (VC) in Brazilian …
sustainable economic and financial performance (EFP) and value creation (VC) in Brazilian …
Does intellectual capital drive bank's performance in Bangladesh? Evidence from static and dynamic approach
This paper investigates the relationship between measures of intellectual capital efficiency
and the performance of the listed banks in Bangladesh. We have collected data from the …
and the performance of the listed banks in Bangladesh. We have collected data from the …
Intellectual capital and corporate governance: an evaluation of Oman's financial sector companies
Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationship between
intellectual capital and corporate governance of Oman's financial sector companies …
intellectual capital and corporate governance of Oman's financial sector companies …