Electronic structure of the high-temperature oxide superconductors
WE Pickett - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1989 - APS
Since the discovery of superconductivity above 30 K by Bednorz and Müller in the La copper
oxide system, the critical temperature has been raised to 90 K in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7 and to 110 …
oxide system, the critical temperature has been raised to 90 K in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7 and to 110 …
Cuprate superconductors as viewed through a striped lens
JM Tranquada - Advances in Physics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Understanding the electron pairing in hole-doped cuprate superconductors has been a
challenge, in particular because the “normal” state from which it evolves is unprecedented …
challenge, in particular because the “normal” state from which it evolves is unprecedented …
Electron-energy-loss spectra and the structural stability of nickel oxide: An LSDA+ U study
We demonstrate how by taking better account of electron correlations in the 3 d shell of
metal ions in nickel oxide it is possible to improve the description of both electron energy …
metal ions in nickel oxide it is possible to improve the description of both electron energy …
Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds
J Zaanen, GA Sawatzky, JW Allen - Physical review letters, 1985 - APS
Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds Page 1 VOLUME 55,
NUMBER 4 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUL+ 1985 Band Gaps and Electronic Structure …
NUMBER 4 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUL+ 1985 Band Gaps and Electronic Structure …
Electronic structure of O and CuO
The electronic structure of copper oxides has been investigated by photoelectron (x-ray
photoemission, ultraviolet photoemission), Auger electron, and bremsstrahlung isochromat …
photoemission, ultraviolet photoemission), Auger electron, and bremsstrahlung isochromat …
Density functional theory and the band gap problem
JP Perdew - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1985 - Wiley Online Library
How can the fundamental band gap of an insulator be predicted? As a difference of ground‐
state energies, the fundamental gap seems to fall within the reach of density functional …
state energies, the fundamental gap seems to fall within the reach of density functional …
Recent advances in graphene-like 2D materials for spintronics applications
For the progressive development of spintronics as the next generation information
technology source, it is essential to look for materials with high abundance, long spin …
technology source, it is essential to look for materials with high abundance, long spin …
Magnitude and origin of the band gap in NiO
GA Sawatzky, JW Allen - Physical review letters, 1984 - APS
Photoemission and bremsstrahlung-isochromat-spectroscopy data on a cleaved NiO single
crystal are presented and compared to band-and cluster-theory predictions. In contrast to …
crystal are presented and compared to band-and cluster-theory predictions. In contrast to …
Reproducible resistance switching in polycrystalline NiO films
Negative resistance behavior and reproducible resistance switching were found in
polycrystalline NiO films deposited by dc magnetron reactive sputtering methods. Oxygen to …
polycrystalline NiO films deposited by dc magnetron reactive sputtering methods. Oxygen to …
Giant dielectric permittivity observed in Li and Ti doped NiO
A giant low-frequency dielectric constant (ϵ o∼ 10 5) near room temperature was observed
in Li, Ti co-doped NiO ceramics. Unlike currently best-known high ϵ o ferroelectric-related …
in Li, Ti co-doped NiO ceramics. Unlike currently best-known high ϵ o ferroelectric-related …