Medium access control for multi-channel OFDM in a wireless local area network

L Chu, H Zhang, HL Lou, Y Sun - US Patent 10,257,806, 2019 - Google Patents
A first communication device allocates respective sub-chan nels of an orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) channel to two or more second communication devices for …

Group transmissions in wireless local area networks

SA Grandhi - US Patent 9,585,043, 2017 - Google Patents
This application claims the benefit of US Provisional Application No. 61/323,617, filed on
Apr. 13, 2010; US Provisional Application No. 61/332,404, filed on May 7, 2010; and US …

Number of streams indication for WLAN

H Zhang, R Banerjea, Y Liu, M Yu - US Patent 9,294,164, 2016 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data WO WO-2006, OO1898 A1 1, 2006 WO WO-2006/115999 A2
11/2006 application No. 61/260,729, filed on Nov. 12, 2009, WO WO 2007/032413 A1 3 …

Sounding packet format for long range WLAN

H Zhang - US Patent 8,948,283, 2015 - Google Patents
H04L 5/0048; H04L 5/0053: H04L 69/04; H04L 25/0224; H04L 5/005; H04L 69/22: H04L
69/323; HO4L 1/0004: H04L 2025/03414; H04L 25/0204; H04B 7/0417: H04B 7/0413: H04B …

Compressed orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols in a wireless communication system

H Zhang, X Zheng, R Cao, M Xu, S Srinivasa… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
One or more first padding bits are added to information bits to be included in a data portion
of a data unit such that the information bits, after being encoded, fill one or more OFDM …

Non-legacy preamble for wireless local area networks

M Ghosh, NB Shah, SA Grandhi, RG Murias… - US Patent App. 13 …, 2012 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002 The usage of preambles is very common in wireless communication
systems. Preambles provide efficient and effective ways for communications devices to …

Systems and methods for backwards-compatible preamble formats for multiple access wireless communication

S Vermani, R Tandra, S Merlin, H Sampath - US Patent 10,439,773, 2019 - Google Patents
Systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication are disclosed herein. One
aspect of the disclosure provides a method of transmitting to two or more wireless commu …

Control mode PHY for WLAN

H Zhang, RU Nabar, R Banerjea, Y Liu… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
Int. Cl. H04L27/00(2006.01) In a method for generating a physical layer (PHY) data unit H04
II/00(2006.015 for transmission via a communication channel, information H03M …

Range extension mode for WiFi

H Zhang, HL Lou, SK Yong - US Patent 9,712,358, 2017 - Google Patents
A method for generating a physical layer (PHY) data unit for transmission via a
communication channel is described where the PHY data unit conforms to a first …

High efficiency orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer (PHY)

H Zhang, Y Sun, M Xu, R Cao, HL Lou - US Patent 9,832,059, 2017 - Google Patents
In a method for generating a data unit for transmission via a communication channel, the
data unit conforming to a first communication protocol, one or more orthogonal frequency …