The role of coastal plant communities for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Marine vegetated habitats (seagrasses, salt-marshes, macroalgae and mangroves) occupy
0.2% of the ocean surface, but contribute 50% of carbon burial in marine sediments. Their …
0.2% of the ocean surface, but contribute 50% of carbon burial in marine sediments. Their …
Ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change
The risk of flood disasters is increasing for many coastal societies owing to global and
regional changes in climate conditions, sea-level rise, land subsidence and sediment …
regional changes in climate conditions, sea-level rise, land subsidence and sediment …
The present and future role of coastal wetland vegetation in protecting shorelines: answering recent challenges to the paradigm
For more than a century, coastal wetlands have been recognized for their ability to stabilize
shorelines and protect coastal communities. However, this paradigm has recently been …
shorelines and protect coastal communities. However, this paradigm has recently been …
Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise
The response of coastal wetlands to sea-level rise during the twenty-first century remains
uncertain. Global-scale projections suggest that between 20 and 90 per cent (for low and …
uncertain. Global-scale projections suggest that between 20 and 90 per cent (for low and …
How ecological engineering can serve in coastal protection
Traditionally, protection of the coastal area from flooding is approached from an engineering
perspective. This approach has often resulted in negative or unforeseen impacts on local …
perspective. This approach has often resulted in negative or unforeseen impacts on local …
Ecosystem services provided by seaweeds
The ecosystem services can be divided using two major classification systems, the
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) and the Common International Classification of …
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) and the Common International Classification of …
Marsh vertical accretion via vegetative growth
Coastal marshes accrete vertically in response to sea-level rise and subsidence. Inadequate
accretion and subsequent conversion of coastal marshes to open water generally is …
accretion and subsequent conversion of coastal marshes to open water generally is …
Spatial flow and sedimentation patterns within patches of epibenthic structures: Combining field, flume and modelling experiments
The objectives of the present study were twofold:(1) to identify spatial sedimentation and
erosion patterns develo** within patches of epibenthic structures (ie physical structures …
erosion patterns develo** within patches of epibenthic structures (ie physical structures …
Impact of vegetation on flow routing and sedimentation patterns: Three‐dimensional modeling for a tidal marsh
A three‐dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model was used to study the
relative impact of (1) vegetation,(2) micro‐topography, and (3) water level fluctuations on the …
relative impact of (1) vegetation,(2) micro‐topography, and (3) water level fluctuations on the …
The Scheldt estuary: a description of a changing ecosystem
P Meire, T Ysebaert, SV Damme, EV Bergh, T Maris… - Hydrobiologia, 2005 - Springer
Estuaries are naturally highly dynamic and rapidly changing systems, forming a complex
mixture of many different habitat types. They are very productive biomes and support many …
mixture of many different habitat types. They are very productive biomes and support many …