Resolving the prefrontal mechanisms of adaptive cognitive behaviors: A cross-species perspective
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) enables a staggering variety of complex behaviors, such as
planning actions, solving problems, and adapting to new situations according to external …
planning actions, solving problems, and adapting to new situations according to external …
The generative grammar of the brain: a critique of internally generated representations
G Dragoi - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2024 -
The past decade of progress in neurobiology has uncovered important organizational
principles for network preconfiguration and neuronal selection that suggest a generative …
principles for network preconfiguration and neuronal selection that suggest a generative …
Nested compressed co-representations of multiple sequential experiences during sleep
Animals encounter and remember multiple experiences daily. During sleep, hippocampal
neuronal ensembles replay past experiences and preplay future ones. Although most …
neuronal ensembles replay past experiences and preplay future ones. Although most …
Experience of Euclidean geometry sculpts the development and dynamics of rodent hippocampal sequential cell assemblies
Euclidean space is the fabric of the world we live in. Whether and how geometric experience
shapes our spatial-temporal representations of the world remained unknown. We deprived …
shapes our spatial-temporal representations of the world remained unknown. We deprived …
The hippocampal horizon: Constructing and segmenting experience for episodic memory
How do we recollect specific events that have occurred during continuous ongoing
experience? There is converging evidence from non-human animals that spatially …
experience? There is converging evidence from non-human animals that spatially …
The two tales of hippocampal sharp-wave ripple content: The rigid and the plastic
Sharp-wave ripples, prominently in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, are short oscillatory
events accompanied by bursts of neural firing. Ripples and associated hippocampal place …
events accompanied by bursts of neural firing. Ripples and associated hippocampal place …
Geometric experience sculpts the development and dynamics of hippocampal sequential cell assemblies
Euclidean space is the fabric of the world we live in. Whether and how geometric experience
shapes our spatial-temporal representations of the world remained unknown. We deprived …
shapes our spatial-temporal representations of the world remained unknown. We deprived …
Intrinsic dynamics of randomly clustered networks generate place fields and preplay of novel environments
During both sleep and awake immobility, hippocampal place cells reactivate time-
compressed versions of sequences representing recently experienced trajectories in a …
compressed versions of sequences representing recently experienced trajectories in a …
The generalized spatial representation in the prefrontal cortex is inherited from the hippocampus
Hippocampal and neocortical neural activity is modulated by the position of the individual in
space. While hippocampal neurons provide the basis for a spatial map, prefrontal cortical …
space. While hippocampal neurons provide the basis for a spatial map, prefrontal cortical …
Leveraging place field repetition to understand positional versus nonpositional inputs to hippocampal field CA1
W Hockeimer, RY Lai, M Natrajan, W Snider… - bioRxiv, 2022 -
The hippocampus is believed to encode episodic memory by binding information about the
content of experience within a spatiotemporal framework encoding the location and …
content of experience within a spatiotemporal framework encoding the location and …