Quantum repeaters: From quantum networks to the quantum internet
A quantum internet is the holy grail of quantum information processing, enabling the
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
Advances in quantum cryptography
Quantum cryptography is arguably the fastest growing area in quantum information science.
Novel theoretical protocols are designed on a regular basis, security proofs are constantly …
Novel theoretical protocols are designed on a regular basis, security proofs are constantly …
Experimental twin-field quantum key distribution over 1000 km fiber distance
Quantum key distribution (QKD) aims to generate secure private keys shared by two remote
parties. With its security being protected by principles of quantum mechanics, some …
parties. With its security being protected by principles of quantum mechanics, some …
Mode-pairing quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution—the establishment of information-theoretically secure keys based
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
Breaking the rate-loss bound of quantum key distribution with asynchronous two-photon interference
Twin-field quantum key distribution can overcome the secret key capacity of repeaterless
quantum key distribution via single-photon interference. However, to compensate for the …
quantum key distribution via single-photon interference. However, to compensate for the …
Sending-or-not-sending with independent lasers: Secure twin-field quantum key distribution over 509 km
Twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) promises high key rates over long distances
to beat the rate-distance limit. Here, applying the sending-or-not-sending TF QKD protocol …
to beat the rate-distance limit. Here, applying the sending-or-not-sending TF QKD protocol …
Twin-field quantum key distribution over 830-km fibre
Quantum key distribution (QKD) provides a promising solution for sharing information-
theoretic secure keys between remote peers with physics-based protocols. According to the …
theoretic secure keys between remote peers with physics-based protocols. According to the …
Twin-field quantum key distribution over a 511 km optical fibre linking two distant metropolitan areas
The basic principle of quantum mechanics guarantees the unconditional security of quantum
key distribution (QKD),,,–at the cost of forbidding the amplification of a quantum state. As a …
key distribution (QKD),,,–at the cost of forbidding the amplification of a quantum state. As a …
Twin-field quantum key distribution without optical frequency dissemination
Twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) has rapidly risen as the most viable solution
to long-distance secure fibre communication thanks to its fundamentally repeater-like rate …
to long-distance secure fibre communication thanks to its fundamentally repeater-like rate …
600-km repeater-like quantum communications with dual-band stabilization
Twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) fundamentally alters the rate-distance
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …