2D materials for quantum information science
The transformation of digital computers from bulky machines to portable systems has been
enabled by new materials and advanced processing technologies that allow ultrahigh …
enabled by new materials and advanced processing technologies that allow ultrahigh …
van der Waals heterostructures combining graphene and hexagonal boron nitride
As the first in a large family of 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials, graphene has attracted
enormous attention owing to its remarkable properties. The recent development of simple …
enormous attention owing to its remarkable properties. The recent development of simple …
Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening
Controlling the strength of interactions is essential for studying quantum phenomena
emerging in systems of correlated fermions. We introduce a device geometry whereby magic …
emerging in systems of correlated fermions. We introduce a device geometry whereby magic …
Correlated insulating states and transport signature of superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene superlattices
Layers of two-dimensional materials stacked with a small twist angle give rise to beating
periodic patterns on a scale much larger than the original lattice, referred to as a “moiré …
periodic patterns on a scale much larger than the original lattice, referred to as a “moiré …
Aharonov–Bohm interference and statistical phase-jump evolution in fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene
In the fractional quantum Hall effect, quasiparticles are collective excitations that have a
fractional charge and show fractional statistics as they interchange positions. While the …
fractional charge and show fractional statistics as they interchange positions. While the …
Hunting for majoranas
Over the past decade, there have been considerable efforts to observe non-abelian
quasiparticles in novel quantum materials and devices. These efforts are motivated by the …
quasiparticles in novel quantum materials and devices. These efforts are motivated by the …
Observation of ballistic upstream modes at fractional quantum Hall edges of graphene
The presence of “upstream” modes, moving against the direction of charge current flow in
the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) phases, is critical for the emergence of renormalized …
the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) phases, is critical for the emergence of renormalized …
Topological phase transition between Jain states and daughter states of the ν = 1/2 fractional quantum Hall state
The even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state at a filling factor of ν= 1/2 is an
intriguing many-body phase in two-dimensional electron systems, as it appears in the …
intriguing many-body phase in two-dimensional electron systems, as it appears in the …
Even-and odd-denominator fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene moire superlattices
Fractional quantum anomalous hall effect (FQAHE), a transport effect with fractionally
quantized Hall plateau emerging under zero magnetic field, provides a radically new …
quantized Hall plateau emerging under zero magnetic field, provides a radically new …
Fractional charge and fractional statistics in the quantum Hall effects
DE Feldman, BI Halperin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Quasiparticles with fractional charge and fractional statistics are key features of the fractional
quantum Hall effect. We discuss in detail the definitions of fractional charge and statistics …
quantum Hall effect. We discuss in detail the definitions of fractional charge and statistics …