Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry in continental tectonics
Reconstructing the thermal history of minerals and fluids in continental environments is a
cornerstone of tectonics research. Paleotemperature constraints from carbonate clumped …
cornerstone of tectonics research. Paleotemperature constraints from carbonate clumped …
Cenozoic paleoelevation history of the Lunpola Basin in Central Tibet: new evidence from volcanic glass hydrogen isotopes and a critical review
The paleoelevation history and geodynamic evolution of the Bangong suture zone in the
central Tibetan Plateau are hotly debated, with existing estimates showing contrasting …
central Tibetan Plateau are hotly debated, with existing estimates showing contrasting …
Sustained water loss in California's mountain ranges during severe drought from 2012 to 2015 inferred from GPS
Drought struck California during 7 of the 9 years from 2007 to 2015, reducing the state's
available water resources. Pum** of Central Valley groundwater has produced …
available water resources. Pum** of Central Valley groundwater has produced …
[PDF][PDF] The Cenozoic climatic and topographic evolution of the western North American Cordillera
Herein we present oxygen isotope records from Cretaceous to Recent terrestrial sediments
in the western North American Cordillera. The purpose of this analysis is to use oxygen …
in the western North American Cordillera. The purpose of this analysis is to use oxygen …
The progressive co-evolutionary development of the Pan-Tibetan highlands, the Asian Monsoon system and Asian Biodiversity
Within the ongoing controversy regarding the orogeny of the Tibetan Plateau region, two
directly conflicting endmember frameworks have emerged in which either:(1) a high central …
directly conflicting endmember frameworks have emerged in which either:(1) a high central …
Magmatism, ash-flow tuffs, and calderas of the ignimbrite flareup in the western Nevada volcanic field, Great Basin, USA
CD Henry, DA John - Geosphere, 2013 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The western Nevada volcanic field is the western third of a belt of calderas through Nevada
and western Utah. Twenty-three calderas and their caldera-forming tuffs are reasonably well …
and western Utah. Twenty-three calderas and their caldera-forming tuffs are reasonably well …
Influence of climate change and uplift on Colorado Plateau paleotemperatures from carbonate clumped isotope thermometry
The elevation history of Earth's surface is key to understanding the geodynamic processes
responsible for the rise of plateaus. We investigate the timing of Colorado Plateau uplift by …
responsible for the rise of plateaus. We investigate the timing of Colorado Plateau uplift by …
High late Miocene–Pliocene elevation of the Zhada Basin, southwestern Tibetan Plateau, from carbonate clumped isotope thermometry
The timing and pattern of Tibetan Plateau rise provide a critical test of possible mechanisms
for the development and support of high topography, yet views range widely on the history of …
for the development and support of high topography, yet views range widely on the history of …
Eocene–Early Miocene paleotopography of the Sierra Nevada–Great Basin–Nevadaplano based on widespread ash-flow tuffs and paleovalleys
The distribution of Cenozoic ash-flow tuffs in the Great Basin and the Sierra Nevada of
eastern California (United States) demonstrates that the region, commonly referred to as the …
eastern California (United States) demonstrates that the region, commonly referred to as the …
Profile of a paleo-orogen: High topography across the present-day Basin and Range from 40 to 23 Ma
Records of past topography connect Earth's deep interior to the surface, reflecting the
distribution of heat and mass, past crustal structure, and plate interactions. Many tectonic …
distribution of heat and mass, past crustal structure, and plate interactions. Many tectonic …