[КНИГА][B] Vietnam: Rethinking the state
M Gainsborough - 2010 - books.google.com
Vietnam: Rethinking the State offers an exciting and up-to-date look at the politics of this
fascinating country as it seeks to make the transition from war-torn economic backwater to a …
fascinating country as it seeks to make the transition from war-torn economic backwater to a …
Understanding the impact of hydropower developments in the context of upstream–downstream relations in the Mekong river basin
Hydropower developments along the main stem of the Mekong River and its tributaries
cause transboundary effects within the Mekong Basin Region, which comprises parts of six …
cause transboundary effects within the Mekong Basin Region, which comprises parts of six …
Global work, surplus labor, and the precarious economies of the border
This paper focuses on the recent emergence of regional production networks and border
industrial zones, the labor migrations they are generating, and their consequences for …
industrial zones, the labor migrations they are generating, and their consequences for …
Spatial Practices and Border SEZs in Mekong Southeast Asia
D Arnold - Geography Compass, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Literature on special economic zones (SEZs) has made important contributions to our
understanding of globalization and topics including labor rights, export‐led development …
understanding of globalization and topics including labor rights, export‐led development …
Present but not powerful: Neoliberalism, the state, and development in Vietnam
M Gainsborough - Globalizations, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Through a case study of Vietnam, this paper explores what happens to neoliberal ideas
about development when they encounter the very different political and cultural context of a …
about development when they encounter the very different political and cultural context of a …
[КНИГА][B] Nationalism in the twenty-first century: Challenges and responses
C Sutherland - 2011 - books.google.com
CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES ロー Π Π Page 2 Nationalism in the Twenty-First Century Page …
CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES ロー Π Π Page 2 Nationalism in the Twenty-First Century Page …
[КНИГА][B] Energy, governance and security in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma): a critical approach to environmental politics in the South
A Simpson - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Across the world states are seeking out new and secure supplies of energy but this search is
manifesting itself most visibly in Asia where rapid industrialisation in states such as China …
manifesting itself most visibly in Asia where rapid industrialisation in states such as China …
Privatisation as state advance: Private indirect government in Vietnam
M Gainsborough - New Political Economy, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This article considers the significance of privatisation for the changing nature of state power
through a case study of Vietnam. In particular, it is concerned with what privatisation–or …
through a case study of Vietnam. In particular, it is concerned with what privatisation–or …
The (un) suitability of fair-value accounting in emerging economies: the case of Vietnam
LU Nguyen - Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to explore the suitability and challenges of implementing fair value
accounting (FVA) in Vietnam, an emerging/transitioning economy. While such …
accounting (FVA) in Vietnam, an emerging/transitioning economy. While such …
Variants of frontier mimesis: Colonial encounter and intercultural interaction in the Lao-Vietnamese uplands
O Tappe - Social Analysis, 2018 - berghahnjournals.com
At the turn of the twentieth century, the French colonial administration adopted various
strategies and tactics to 'pacify'and control the culturally heterogeneous regions dividing the …
strategies and tactics to 'pacify'and control the culturally heterogeneous regions dividing the …