Catalytic conversion of biomass and plastic waste to alternative aviation fuels: A review

AR Aghamiri, P Lahijani - Biomass and Bioenergy, 2024 - Elsevier
The depletion of fossil fuel sources and the urgency to combat global warming have led to
extensive research into renewable energy alternatives. Among these alternatives, biofuel is …

Application of waste biomass for the production of biofuels and catalysts: a review

RA Quevedo-Amador, BP Escalera-Velasco… - Clean Technologies and …, 2024 - Springer
Sustainable development is imperative, and the worldwide energy production must focus on
the transition from petroleum derivatives to biomass-based biofuels and bioproducts to …

Biomass-derived carbon-based catalysts for lignocellulosic biomass and waste valorisation: a circular approach

M Belluati, S Tabasso, EC Gaudino, G Cravotto… - Green …, 2024 -
The growing demand for alternative clean energy sources and environmental crises are
causing great concern for humankind. Researchers have devoted effort to finding cheap …

Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of biomass to high-value products: Factors assessment, mechanism analysis, and critical issues proposal

B Qiu, Y Wang, D Zhang, H Chu - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024 - Elsevier
As the fourth largest energy source, biomass offers the advantages of being renewable,
having extensive sources, and carbon–neutral. Microwave catalytic pyrolysis is a biomass …

Biochar‐based catalysts derived from biomass waste: production, characterization, and application for liquid biofuel synthesis

VN Nguyen, P Sharma, L Rowinski… - Biofuels, Bioproducts …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Among the feasible options for valorizing lignocellulosic biomass into value‐added
products, biochar is considered to be extremely appealing and it could be applied easily in …

Microwave pyrolysis of agricultural waste: Influence of catalysts, absorbers, particle size and blending components

VY Fricler, GS Nyashina, KY Vershinina… - Journal of Analytical and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The paper presents the results of experimental study of thermochemical conversion, phase
transformations and chemical reactions during microwave pyrolysis of biomass (sawdust …

Preparation of sugarcane bagasse-derived Co/Ni/N/MPC nanocomposites and its application in H2O2 detection

Q Bu, F Yu, J Cai, J Bai, J Xu, H Wang, H Lin… - Industrial Crops and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract In this study, Co, Ni and N were introduced into the carbon-based materials to
construct the Co/Ni/N/MPC (microwave pyrolysis biochar) sensor with multiple …

Investigation of tobacco straw pyrolysis: three-parallel Gaussian reaction modeling, products analysis and ANN application

Y Wang, S Yang, G Bao, H Wang - Industrial Crops and Products, 2023 - Elsevier
The pyrolysis behaviors, reaction kinetics, thermodynamic parameters, and reaction
mechanism models of tobacco straw (TOS) were determined using a three-parallel …

Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of biomass with biochar materials derived from spent lithium-ion batteries: Microwave absorption and pyrolysis characteristics

M He, J Zhao, D Wang, Q Liang, T Wang, S Zhao… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Biochar materials are economical and favorable microwave absorbers for microwave-
assisted catalytic pyrolysis (MACP) of waste biomass into high-value biofuels (eg, H 2-rich …

Production of bio-crude from co-pyrolysis of oil shale and peanut shell over semi-coke supported Ni catalyst

S Cui, R Li, T Yang, J Wang, X Kai, B Li - Journal of Analytical and Applied …, 2024 - Elsevier
Bio-crude producted from the co-pyrolysis of oil shale and peanut shell over a Ni-based
catalyst supported on semi-coke was investigated in a vertical double-temperature zone …