Capability Studies of the Heliotron J Soft X-Ray Tomographic Diagnostic
Tomographic reconstruction from imaging diagnostics is a widely accepted methodology for
transforming the line integrated data into its integrands [1–5], especially for soft X-ray …
transforming the line integrated data into its integrands [1–5], especially for soft X-ray …
An approach to extract fine detail and unclear information by enhancing computed tomography image
Medical imaging is dealt with the variety of images of cross-section, tissues, blood vessels,
vein, etc. of the human body that is derived by using the X-rays, MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound …
vein, etc. of the human body that is derived by using the X-rays, MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound …
[PDF][PDF] Feature extraction from micro-tomography analysis of solid propellants
F Maggi, M Bratti - 8th European Conference for Aerospace …, 2019 - re.public.polimi.it
The study of the microstructure in composite solid rocket propellants is mostly focused on the
properties and placement of oxidizer and metal particles. Both combustion and mechanical …
properties and placement of oxidizer and metal particles. Both combustion and mechanical …
Capability Studies of the Heliotron J Soft X-Ray Tomographic Diagnostic Shishir PUROHIT, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Satoshi OHDACHI and Satoshi YAMAMOTO 3) 1) …
IF Energy, S Guide - Plasma and Fusion Research, 2019 - jspf.or.jp
Imaging diagnostics offers magnetic free information for the plasma emissions and able to
define plasma shape and position, impurity distribution, and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) …
define plasma shape and position, impurity distribution, and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) …