Sustainability of drinking water and sanitation delivery systems in rural communities of the Lepelle Nkumpi Local Municipality, South Africa
Water and sanitation are core for the growth and development of communities. Yet, South
African local municipalities are often unable to sustainably deliver safe water and basic …
African local municipalities are often unable to sustainably deliver safe water and basic …
A conceptual framework for gender and climate mainstreaming to mitigate water inaccessibility in rural sub‐Saharan Africa
Evidence underscores that water inaccessibility in rural sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA)
disproportionately affects women due to patriarchal gender norms and practices. In the …
disproportionately affects women due to patriarchal gender norms and practices. In the …
Water challenges in rural sub-Saharan Africa
The focus of this chapter was to explore the challenges that prevent rural sub-Saharan Africa
(SSA) from realizing universal water access. Findings showed that many waterpoints to …
(SSA) from realizing universal water access. Findings showed that many waterpoints to …
Exploring household water conservation methods in rural South Africa: a case of the Mbhashe and Mnquma local municipalities
Amidst the persistent drought disaster declared in 2015, the Amathole District Municipality
grapples with severe water scarcity issues, particularly affecting local municipalities such as …
grapples with severe water scarcity issues, particularly affecting local municipalities such as …
Exploring the experiences of the overburden of water collection responsibility of rural women in Ghana
Despite evidence emphasizing women's responsibility for collecting water in sub-Saharan
Africa, more needs to be known about the gender-specific consequences of this obligation …
Africa, more needs to be known about the gender-specific consequences of this obligation …
Understanding the Impact of Water Accessibility and Sanitation-Related Diseases on Livelihoods in Tanzania
Water is an important resource for improved sanitation and livelihood due to its multiple uses
and impacts on household income. Despite its significance, most households in develo** …
and impacts on household income. Despite its significance, most households in develo** …
A preliminary investigation into the relationship between municipal debt and the financial viability of waterboards in South Africa
M Matlala, M Photolo, L Konar - Journal of Water, Sanitation and …, 2024 - iwaponline.com
The provision of water and sanitation services in South Africa is complex due to historical
apartheid spatial planning whose remnants are still evident in the democratic country. The …
apartheid spatial planning whose remnants are still evident in the democratic country. The …
[PDF][PDF] “Untapped connections”: The impact of water (in) accessibility and distant water collection on women's health and livelihoods in rural Northern Ghana
GA Apatinga - 2024 - harvest.usask.ca
Abstract In sub-Saharan Africa, access to safely managed water remains low, particularly for
rural residents who predominantly rely on decentralized water systems. The issue is …
rural residents who predominantly rely on decentralized water systems. The issue is …
The Challenges of Sustainable Access to Potable Water in the Democratic South Africa: The Case of Madiba and Nqabeni Rural Areas, Eastern Cape
Z Mbana - 2023 - search.proquest.com
South Africa became a democratic state in 1994, and for the first time in the country's history,
individuals of all races were treated equally. The emergence of a new democratic system …
individuals of all races were treated equally. The emergence of a new democratic system …
Municipal Strategic Self-Assessment status and financial performance of water-boards
M Matlala - wiredspace.wits.ac.za
This research is part of the MBA study, which was funded and supported by the national
Department of Water and Sanitation as part of the employee bursary scheme. I am so …
Department of Water and Sanitation as part of the employee bursary scheme. I am so …