Economic, socio-political and environmental risks of road development in the tropics
It is projected that 25 million km of new paved roads will be developed globally by 2050—
enough to encircle the planet more than 600 times. Roughly 90% of new roads will be built …
enough to encircle the planet more than 600 times. Roughly 90% of new roads will be built …
An A mazonian rainforest and its fragments as a laboratory of global change
We synthesize findings from one of the world's largest and longest‐running experimental
investigations, the B iological D ynamics of F orest F ragments P roject (BDFFP). Spanning …
investigations, the B iological D ynamics of F orest F ragments P roject (BDFFP). Spanning …
The erosion of biodiversity and biomass in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot
Tropical forests are being deforested worldwide, and the remaining fragments are suffering
from biomass and biodiversity erosion. Quantifying this erosion is challenging because …
from biomass and biodiversity erosion. Quantifying this erosion is challenging because …
Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any
other contemporary phenomenon,,. With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas …
other contemporary phenomenon,,. With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas …
Comparable biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks on warming from tropical moist forest degradation
Tropical forests have undergone extensive deforestation and degradation during the past
few decades, but the area and the carbon loss due to degradation could be larger than the …
few decades, but the area and the carbon loss due to degradation could be larger than the …
Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests
Carbon storage is widely acknowledged as one of the most valuable forest ecosystem
services. Deforestation, logging, fragmentation, fire, and climate change have significant …
services. Deforestation, logging, fragmentation, fire, and climate change have significant …
Unifying research on social–ecological resilience and collapse
Ecosystems influence human societies, leading people to manage ecosystems for human
benefit. Poor environmental management can lead to reduced ecological resilience and …
benefit. Poor environmental management can lead to reduced ecological resilience and …
High resolution analysis of tropical forest fragmentation and its impact on the global carbon cycle
Deforestation in the tropics is not only responsible for direct carbon emissions but also
extends the forest edge wherein trees suffer increased mortality. Here we combine high …
extends the forest edge wherein trees suffer increased mortality. Here we combine high …
A large‐scale field assessment of carbon stocks in human‐modified tropical forests
Tropical rainforests store enormous amounts of carbon, the protection of which represents a
vital component of efforts to mitigate global climate change. Currently, tropical forest …
vital component of efforts to mitigate global climate change. Currently, tropical forest …
The fate of Amazonian forest fragments: a 32-year investigation
We synthesize findings to date from the world's largest and longest-running experimental
study of habitat fragmentation, located in central Amazonia. Over the past 32years …
study of habitat fragmentation, located in central Amazonia. Over the past 32years …