Artificial intelligence in online higher education: A systematic review of empirical research from 2011 to 2020
As online learning has been widely adopted in higher education in recent years, artificial
intelligence (AI) has brought new ways for improving instruction and learning in online …
intelligence (AI) has brought new ways for improving instruction and learning in online …
Challenges and future directions of big data and artificial intelligence in education
We discuss the new challenges and directions facing the use of big data and artificial
intelligence (AI) in education research, policy-making, and industry. In recent years …
intelligence (AI) in education research, policy-making, and industry. In recent years …
[HTML][HTML] Predicting student's dropout in university classes using two-layer ensemble machine learning approach: A novel stacked generalization
Student dropout is a serious problem globally. It affects not only the individual who drops out
but also the former school, family, and society in general. With the current development of …
but also the former school, family, and society in general. With the current development of …
A review of using machine learning approaches for precision education
In recent years, in the field of education, there has been a clear progressive trend toward
precision education. As a rapidly evolving AI technique, machine learning is viewed as an …
precision education. As a rapidly evolving AI technique, machine learning is viewed as an …
Learning analytics in European higher education—Trends and barriers
Learning analytics (LA) as a research field has grown rapidly over the last decade. However,
adoption of LA is mostly found to be small in scale and isolated at the instructor level. This …
adoption of LA is mostly found to be small in scale and isolated at the instructor level. This …
[HTML][HTML] Multimodal data as a means to understand the learning experience
Most work in the design of learning technology uses click-streams as their primary data
source for modelling & predicting learning behaviour. In this paper we set out to quantify …
source for modelling & predicting learning behaviour. In this paper we set out to quantify …
An early warning system to identify and intervene online dropout learners
Dropout is one of the major problems online higher education faces. Early identification of
the dropout risk level and an intervention mechanism to revert the potential risk have been …
the dropout risk level and an intervention mechanism to revert the potential risk have been …
Evaluating the fairness of predictive student models through slicing analysis
Predictive modeling has been a core area of learning analytics research over the past
decade, with such models currently deployed in a variety of educational contexts from …
decade, with such models currently deployed in a variety of educational contexts from …
Towards predicting student's dropout in university courses using different machine learning techniques
J Kabathova, M Drlik - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
Featured Application The found model with the best values of the performance metrics,
found as the result of comparing several machine learning classifiers, can identify students …
found as the result of comparing several machine learning classifiers, can identify students …
Eye-tracking and artificial intelligence to enhance motivation and learning
The interaction with the various learners in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is often
complex. Contemporary MOOC learning analytics relate with click-streams, keystrokes and …
complex. Contemporary MOOC learning analytics relate with click-streams, keystrokes and …