[HTML][HTML] Water electrolysis: from textbook knowledge to the latest scientific strategies and industrial developments
Replacing fossil fuels with energy sources and carriers that are sustainable, environmentally
benign, and affordable is amongst the most pressing challenges for future socio-economic …
benign, and affordable is amongst the most pressing challenges for future socio-economic …
Freestanding metal–organic frameworks and their derivatives: an emerging platform for electrochemical energy storage and conversion
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have recently emerged as ideal electrode materials and
precursors for electrochemical energy storage and conversion (EESC) owing to their large …
precursors for electrochemical energy storage and conversion (EESC) owing to their large …
Identifying a universal activity descriptor and a unifying mechanism concept on perovskite oxides for green hydrogen production
Producing indispensable hydrogen and oxygen for social development via water electrolysis
shows more prospects than other technologies. Although electrocatalysts have been …
shows more prospects than other technologies. Although electrocatalysts have been …
Reconstructed Ir‒O‒Mo species with strong Brønsted acidity for acidic water oxidation
Surface reconstruction generates real active species in electrochemical conditions; rational
regulating reconstruction in a targeted manner is the key for constructing highly active …
regulating reconstruction in a targeted manner is the key for constructing highly active …
Orbital occupancy and spin polarization: from mechanistic study to rational design of transition metal-based electrocatalysts toward energy applications
Over the past few decades, development of electrocatalysts for energy applications has
extensively transitioned from trial-and-error methodologies to more rational and directed …
extensively transitioned from trial-and-error methodologies to more rational and directed …
Perovskite‐based electrocatalysts for cost‐effective ultrahigh‐current‐density water splitting in anion exchange membrane electrolyzer cell
Abstract Development of cost‐effective water splitting technology that allows low‐
overpotential operation at high current density with non‐precious catalysts is the key for …
overpotential operation at high current density with non‐precious catalysts is the key for …
Heterostructured NiO/IrO2 synergistic pair as durable trifunctional electrocatalysts towards water splitting and rechargeable zinc-air batteries: An experimental and …
Constructing an ultra-durable trifunctional electrocatalyst with high efficiency for HER, OER
and ORR has become critical for demanding water splitting and zinc air battery applications …
and ORR has become critical for demanding water splitting and zinc air battery applications …
Non-precious-metal catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis: operando characterizations, theoretical calculations, and recent advances
Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in the development of non-precious catalysts
(NPCs) for alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), especially with the strides made in …
(NPCs) for alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), especially with the strides made in …
High‐entropy materials for water electrolysis
Green hydrogen production by renewables‐powered water electrolysis holds the key to
energy sustainability and a carbon‐neutral future. The sluggish kinetics of water‐splitting …
energy sustainability and a carbon‐neutral future. The sluggish kinetics of water‐splitting …
Metal oxide-based materials as an emerging family of hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts
Hydrogen production from electrochemical water splitting represents a highly promising
technology for sustainable energy storage, but its widespread implementation heavily relies …
technology for sustainable energy storage, but its widespread implementation heavily relies …