The impacts of increasing drought on forest dynamics, structure, and biodiversity in the United States
We synthesize insights from current understanding of drought impacts at stand‐to‐
biogeographic scales, including management options, and we identify challenges to be …
biogeographic scales, including management options, and we identify challenges to be …
Future climate and fire interactions in the southeastern region of the United States
Fire has a profound, though paradoxical influence on landscapes of the southeastern US; it
simultaneously maintains native biodiversity and ecosystem processes but also threatens …
simultaneously maintains native biodiversity and ecosystem processes but also threatens …
Predicting fire frequency with chemistry and climate
A predictive equation for estimating fire frequency was developed from theories and data in
physical chemistry, ecosystem ecology, and climatology. We refer to this equation as the …
physical chemistry, ecosystem ecology, and climatology. We refer to this equation as the …
Refining the oak‐fire hypothesis for management of oak-dominated forests of the eastern United States
Prescribed fires are increasingly implemented throughout eastern deciduous forests to
accomplish various management objectives, including maintenance of oak-dominated …
accomplish various management objectives, including maintenance of oak-dominated …
Fire in the air: Biomass burning impacts in a changing climate
Fire has a role in ecosystem services; naturally produced wildfires are important for the
sustainability of many terrestrial biomes and fire is one of nature's primary carbon-cycling …
sustainability of many terrestrial biomes and fire is one of nature's primary carbon-cycling …
What the past can say about the present and future of fire
JR Marlon - Quaternary Research, 2020 - cambridge.org
Wildfires are an integral part of most terrestrial ecosystems. Paleofire records composed of
charcoal, soot, and other combustion products deposited in lake and marine sediments …
charcoal, soot, and other combustion products deposited in lake and marine sediments …
Structure and composition of an oak-hickory forest after over 60 years of repeated prescribed burning in Missouri, USA
Prescribed fire is often used in upland oak forests to achieve objectives related to woodland
restoration or oak regeneration. While not uncommon for prescriptions to include repeated …
restoration or oak regeneration. While not uncommon for prescriptions to include repeated …
Wave of fire: an anthropogenic signal in historical fire regimes across central Pennsylvania, USA
Increasingly detailed records of long‐term fire regime characteristics are needed to test
ecological concepts and inform natural resource management and policymaking. We …
ecological concepts and inform natural resource management and policymaking. We …
Fire history, related to climate and land use in three southern Appalachian landscapes in the eastern United States
Fire‐maintained ecosystems and associated species are becoming increasingly rare in the
southern Appalachian Mountains because of fire suppression policies implemented in the …
southern Appalachian Mountains because of fire suppression policies implemented in the …
Predicting spatio-temporal variability in fire return intervals using a topographic roughness index
MC Stambaugh, RP Guyette - Forest Ecology and Management, 2008 - Elsevier
The shapes of landscapes are fundamental to ecosystem processes at various spatial
scales. Topographic roughness index (TRI) is a measure of variability in the landscape …
scales. Topographic roughness index (TRI) is a measure of variability in the landscape …