Modeling of multi-scale transport phenomena in shale gas production—a critical review
Shale gas, although unconventional, is a prospective clean energy source. Shale gas
production is a complex multi-scale process with its spatial size ranging from the nanoscale …
production is a complex multi-scale process with its spatial size ranging from the nanoscale …
Laboratory measurement of low permeability unconventional gas reservoir rocks: A review of experimental methods
Unconventional natural gas has become an important source of energy. However, the
development of such resources has been challenging as these reservoirs are characterised …
development of such resources has been challenging as these reservoirs are characterised …
Thickness and stability of water film confined inside nanoslits and nanocapillaries of shale and clay
Characteristics of water film thickness and stability within nanopores are topics of great
interest for evaluation of initial fluid storage in unconventional reservoirs. Although related …
interest for evaluation of initial fluid storage in unconventional reservoirs. Although related …
Gas transport in shale: a critical review of experimental studies on shale permeability at a mesoscopic scale
Shale is a porous geological medium, hosting natural gas in its porous system. The pore
network of shale is used for multiple purposes; including storage of greenhouse gases …
network of shale is used for multiple purposes; including storage of greenhouse gases …
A critical review of the physicochemical impacts of water chemistry on shale in hydraulic fracturing systems
Hydraulic fracturing of unconventional hydrocarbon resources involves the sequential
injection of a high-pressure, particle-laden fluid with varying pH's to make commercial …
injection of a high-pressure, particle-laden fluid with varying pH's to make commercial …
Review of micro seepage mechanisms in shale gas reservoirs
Accurate understanding of gas micro seepage mechanisms in shale plays is of great
importance for numerical simulation and productivity prediction. Classical seepage theory …
importance for numerical simulation and productivity prediction. Classical seepage theory …
Shales at all scales: Exploring coupled processes in mudrocks
Fine-grained sedimentary rocks–namely mudrocks, including their laminated fissile variety—
shales–make up about two thirds of all sedimentary rocks in the Earth's crust and a quarter …
shales–make up about two thirds of all sedimentary rocks in the Earth's crust and a quarter …
Water sorption and distribution characteristics in clay and shale: effect of surface force
Characteristics of sorption and distribution of water in nanoporous shale are topics of great
interest to evaluate unconventional reservoirs. Also, a study of surface force of water/solid …
interest to evaluate unconventional reservoirs. Also, a study of surface force of water/solid …
The Influence of Fracturing Fluids on Fracturing Processes: A Comparison Between Water, Oil and SC-CO2
Conventional water-based fracturing treatments may not work well for many shale gas
reservoirs. This is due to the fact that shale gas formations are much more sensitive to water …
reservoirs. This is due to the fact that shale gas formations are much more sensitive to water …
Isotherms, thermodynamics and kinetics of methane-shale adsorption pair under supercritical condition: Implications for understanding the nature of shale gas …
This research article selects supercritical methane and organic-rich shale as adsorbate-
adsorbent pair to investigate methane adsorption behavior and enrich our understanding of …
adsorbent pair to investigate methane adsorption behavior and enrich our understanding of …