The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales

A Binley, SS Hubbard, JA Huisman… - Water resources …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Geophysics provides a multidimensional suite of investigative methods that are transforming
our ability to see into the very fabric of the subsurface environment, and monitor the …

Near surface electrical characterization of hydraulic conductivity: From petrophysical properties to aquifer geometries—A review

L Slater - Surveys in Geophysics, 2007 - Springer
This paper reviews the recent geophysical literature addressing the estimation of saturated
hydraulic conductivity (K) from static low frequency electrical measurements (electrical …

Reactive transport modeling: An essential tool and a new research approach for the Earth sciences

CI Steefel, DJ DePaolo, PC Lichtner - Earth and Planetary science letters, 2005 - Elsevier
Reactive transport modeling is an essential tool for the analysis of coupled physical,
chemical, and biological processes in Earth systems, and has additional potential to better …

[CARTE][B] Applied stochastic hydrogeology

Y Rubin - 2003 -
Stochastic Subsurface Hydrogeology is the study of subsurface, geological heterogeneity,
and its effects on flow and transport process, using probabilistic and geostatistical concepts …

[CARTE][B] The handbook of groundwater engineering

JW Delleur - 2006 -
A complete treatment of the theory and practice of groundwater engineering, The Handbook
of Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition provides a current and detailed review of how …

Advancing process‐based watershed hydrological research using near‐surface geophysics: A vision for, and review of, electrical and magnetic geophysical methods

DA Robinson, A Binley, N Crook… - Hydrological …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
We want to develop a dialogue between geophysicists and hydrologists interested in
synergistically advancing process based watershed research. We identify recent advances …

Improved hydrogeophysical characterization using joint inversion of cross‐hole electrical resistance and ground‐penetrating radar traveltime data

N Linde, A Binley, A Tryggvason… - Water Resources …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Appropriate regularizations of geophysical inverse problems and joint inversion of different
data types improve geophysical models and increase their usefulness in hydrogeological …

Modeling microbial transport in porous media: Traditional approaches and recent developments

N Tufenkji - Advances in water resources, 2007 - Elsevier
A substantial research effort has been aimed at elucidating the role of various physical,
chemical and biological factors on microbial transport and removal in natural subsurface …

Processes in microbial transport in the natural subsurface

TR Ginn, BD Wood, KE Nelson, TD Scheibe… - Advances in Water …, 2002 - Elsevier
This is a review of physical, chemical, and biological processes governing microbial
transport in the saturated subsurface. We begin with the conceptual models of the biophase …

Applying petrophysical models to radar travel time and electrical resistivity tomograms: Resolution‐dependent limitations

FD Day‐Lewis, K Singha… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Geophysical imaging has traditionally provided qualitative information about geologic
structure; however, there is increasing interest in using petrophysical models to convert …