On-body sensor node localization using reference RFID tags embedded in wearable waveguide
This paper proposes a sensor node localization scheme for wearable sensor network
system deployed on a flexible waveguide medium. The scheme exploits changes in …
system deployed on a flexible waveguide medium. The scheme exploits changes in …
Antinull 2-D waveguide power transfer based on standing wave diversity
We propose a phase-tunable and termination-switchable multiport feeding system for
antinull 2-D waveguide power transfer (2DWPT). 2DWPT systems using an open-or short …
antinull 2-D waveguide power transfer (2DWPT). 2DWPT systems using an open-or short …
A low power and high speed data transmission system based on 2D communication
Low power communication systems such as ZigBee enable battery-driven sensor nodes in
wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Recent growing demand for transferring large amount of …
wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Recent growing demand for transferring large amount of …
Radiation from surface of two-dimensional communication sheet
Two-dimensional communication (2DC) is a wireless communication system using a
waveguide sheet as a radio frequency (RF) signal transmission medium. This paper …
waveguide sheet as a radio frequency (RF) signal transmission medium. This paper …
Massive multiple access wireless LAN using ultra-wideband waveguide floor tiles
A Noda, A Okada, Y Fukui, Y Masuda… - 2016 13th IEEE …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The unlicensed band for ultra-wideband (UWB) radio systems, 3.1-10.6 GHz, is an attractive
frequency resource for indoor high-speed wireless communications. Recently we have …
frequency resource for indoor high-speed wireless communications. Recently we have …
UWB wireless LAN by 2D-communication tile system based on direction-dependent frequency shift
To overcome the lack of bandwidth due to increase of wireless devices, using ultra-
wideband (UWB) technology is attractive. However, a problem is the signal transmission …
wideband (UWB) technology is attractive. However, a problem is the signal transmission …
野田聡人, 篠田裕之 - 電子情報通信学会論文誌 C, 2016 - search.ieice.org
本論文では, 位相可変かつ終端条件可変なマルチポート給電方式の二次元導波路電力伝送
(2DWPT) システムを提案する. 開放または短絡の反射端となる導波シートを用いる 2DWPT では …
(2DWPT) システムを提案する. 開放または短絡の反射端となる導波シートを用いる 2DWPT では …
フロアリングタイル型左手系伝送線路による床面内 RFID 信号伝送手法の数値的基礎検討
門内靖明, 牧野泰才, 篠田裕之 - 電気学会論文誌 E (センサ …, 2016 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 We propose an RFID signal transmission scheme that uses flooring tiles as a
transmission medium. The method enables delivering RFID signals through a chain of …
transmission medium. The method enables delivering RFID signals through a chain of …
野田聡人, 増田祐一, 篠田裕之 - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告; 信学技 …, 2016 - ken.ieice.org
抄録 (和) 二次元通信は, 電磁波の伝送路としてシート状導波路を用い, その表面にエバネッセント場
を形成することでシート上の任意の位置で端末との**接結合を可能とする. 電磁波は通信シートの面 …
を形成することでシート上の任意の位置で端末との**接結合を可能とする. 電磁波は通信シートの面 …