[HTML][HTML] Genesis, goals and achievements of long-term ecological research at the global scale: a critical review of ILTER and future directions

M Mirtl, ET Borer, I Djukic, M Forsius, H Haubold… - Science of the total …, 2018 - Elsevier
Since its founding in 1993 the International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER)
has gone through pronounced development phases. The current network comprises 44 …

Scientific foundations for an ecosystem goal, milestones and indicators for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

E Nicholson, KE Watermeyer, JA Rowland… - Nature Ecology & …, 2021 - nature.com
Despite substantial conservation efforts, the loss of ecosystems continues globally, along
with related declines in species and nature's contributions to people. An effective ecosystem …

Latitudinal patterns of terrestrial phosphorus limitation over the globe

E Hou, D Wen, L Jiang, X Luo, Y Kuang, X Lu… - Ecology …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Phosphorus limitation on terrestrial plant growth is being incorporated into Earth system
models. The global pattern of terrestrial phosphorus limitation, however, remains unstudied …

Increasing effects of chronic nutrient enrichment on plant diversity loss and ecosystem productivity over time

EW Seabloom, PB Adler, J Alberti, L Biederman… - Ecology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Human activities are enriching many of Earth's ecosystems with biologically limiting mineral
nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). In grasslands, this enrichment generally …

Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity

JN Price, J Sitters, T Ohlert, PM Tognetti… - Nature Ecology & …, 2022 - nature.com
Ecological models predict that the effects of mammalian herbivore exclusion on plant
diversity depend on resource availability and plant exposure to ungulate grazing over …

A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research

N Eisenhauer, H Schielzeth, AD Barnes… - Advances in ecological …, 2019 - Elsevier
Concern about the functional consequences of unprecedented loss in biodiversity has
prompted biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) research to become one of the most …

Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function

ES Forbes, JH Cushman, DE Burkepile… - Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Wild large herbivores are declining worldwide. Despite extensive use of exclosure
experiments to investigate herbivore impacts, there is little consensus on the effects of wild …

Experiments are needed to quantify the main causes of insect decline

W Weisser, N Blüthgen, M Staab… - Biology …, 2023 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Sparked by reports of insect declines of unexpected extent, there has been a surge in the
compilation and analysis of insect time series data. While this effort has led to valuable …

Causal assumptions and causal inference in ecological experiments

K Kimmel, LE Dee, ML Avolio, PJ Ferraro - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2021 - cell.com
Causal inferences from experimental data are often justified based on treatment
randomization. However, inferring causality from data also requires complementary causal …

Global signal of top-down control of terrestrial plant communities by herbivores

S Jia, X Wang, Z Yuan, F Lin, J Ye, Z Hao… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - pnas.org
The theory of “top-down” ecological regulation predicts that herbivory suppresses plant
abundance, biomass, and survival but increases diversity through the disproportionate …