Consumer ethics: A review and research agenda
Consumer ethics continues to draw the attention of academicians and practitioners as a
significant economic and social issue globally. Consumer ethics refers to moral principles …
significant economic and social issue globally. Consumer ethics refers to moral principles …
Artificial intelligence: disrupting what we know about services
Purpose Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently having a dramatic impact on marketing. Future
manifestations of AI are expected to bring even greater change, possibly ushering in the …
manifestations of AI are expected to bring even greater change, possibly ushering in the …
[HTML][HTML] Value of corporate social responsibility for multiple stakeholders and social impact–Relationship marketing perspective
Despite extensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature most of research has
examined corporate performance as its only outcome. We aim to fill this gap by assessing …
examined corporate performance as its only outcome. We aim to fill this gap by assessing …
[CARTE][B] Metodologi penelitian bisnis
I Sugiarto - 2022 - books.google.com
Buku" Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis" edisi 2 ini berisi pengetahuan mengenai hal hal
mendasar namun komprehensif yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penelitian di bidang …
mendasar namun komprehensif yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penelitian di bidang …
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfaction, brand attitude, brand attachment, and brand loyalty?
This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of brand satisfaction with the
moderating role of type of barista. For this, data were collected from customers who used a …
moderating role of type of barista. For this, data were collected from customers who used a …
Effects of service quality and customer satisfaction on loyalty of bank customers
Abstract Service quality and customer satisfaction are parts of factors that influence customer
loyalty to bank services. Both are necessary to be fulfilled in order to gain customer loyalty …
loyalty to bank services. Both are necessary to be fulfilled in order to gain customer loyalty …
Does e-learning service quality influence e-learning student satisfaction and loyalty? Evidence from Vietnam
Prior studies on e-learning service quality were conducted mainly in developed countries;
however, little effort has been made in emerging countries. This study examines the …
however, little effort has been made in emerging countries. This study examines the …
Mobile app vs. desktop browser platforms: The relationships among customer engagement, experience, relationship quality and loyalty intention
The growing use of mobile technologies is spawning firms' adoption of mobile relationship-
building techniques, including via mobile apps. However, despite the rapid rise of these …
building techniques, including via mobile apps. However, despite the rapid rise of these …
Customer experience challenges: bringing together digital, physical and social realms
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore innovations in customer experience at the
intersection of the digital, physical and social realms. It explicitly considers experiences …
intersection of the digital, physical and social realms. It explicitly considers experiences …
The influence of social media marketing activities on customer loyalty: A study of e-commerce industry
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of perceived social media
marketing activities (SMMAs) on customer loyalty via customer equity drivers (CEDs) in an e …
marketing activities (SMMAs) on customer loyalty via customer equity drivers (CEDs) in an e …