Neural attributed community search at billion scale
Community search has been extensively studied in the past decades. In recent years, there
is a growing interest in attributed community search that aims to identify a community based …
is a growing interest in attributed community search that aims to identify a community based …
Efficient maximal frequent group enumeration in temporal bipartite graphs
Cohesive subgraph mining is a fundamental problem in bipartite graph analysis. In reality,
relationships between two types of entities often occur at some specific timestamps, which …
relationships between two types of entities often occur at some specific timestamps, which …
Effective Clustering on Large Attributed Bipartite Graphs
Attributed bipartite graphs (ABGs) are an expressive data model for describing the
interactions between two sets of heterogeneous nodes that are associated with rich …
interactions between two sets of heterogeneous nodes that are associated with rich …
Experimental analysis and evaluation of cohesive subgraph discovery
Retrieving cohesive subgraphs in networks is a fundamental problem in social network
analysis and graph data management. These subgraphs can be used for marketing …
analysis and graph data management. These subgraphs can be used for marketing …
Exploring cohesive subgraphs in hypergraphs: the (k, g)-core approach
Identifying cohesive subgraphs in hypergraphs is a fundamental problem that has received
recent attention in data mining and engineering fields. Existing approaches mainly focus on …
recent attention in data mining and engineering fields. Existing approaches mainly focus on …
Effective Community Detection Over Streaming Bipartite Networks (Technical Report)
The streaming bipartite graph is extensively used to model the dynamic relationship
between two types of entities in many real-world applications, such as movie …
between two types of entities in many real-world applications, such as movie …
Embedded Clustering by Intent: an Active Network Traffic Clustering method
J Plantinga - 2024 - studenttheses.uu.nl
Gathered data sources hold increasing significance for law enforce-ment agencies to find
evidence for criminal investigations. Network traffic stands out as one such data source …
evidence for criminal investigations. Network traffic stands out as one such data source …