[CARTE][B] Cyberpragmatics: Internet-mediated communication in context
F Yus - 2011 - library.oapen.org
Cyberpragmatics is an analysis of Internet-mediated communication from the perspective of
cognitive pragmatics. It addresses a whole range of interactions that can be found on the …
cognitive pragmatics. It addresses a whole range of interactions that can be found on the …
Fast reproducible floating-point summation
Reproducibility, ie getting the bitwise identical floating point results from multiple runs of the
same program, is a property that many users depend on either for debugging or correctness …
same program, is a property that many users depend on either for debugging or correctness …
Your money or your data: Avatar embodiment options in the identity economy
In the physical world, choices about self-representation are tied to the body. However, avatar
embodiment offers users many more options. These options are often constrained or …
embodiment offers users many more options. These options are often constrained or …
Cuteness in avatar design: A cross-cultural study on the influence of baby schema features and other visual characteristics
The concept of cuteness, which can evoke positive emotions in people, is an essential
aspect to consider in artificial intelligence design. This study aimed to investigate whether …
aspect to consider in artificial intelligence design. This study aimed to investigate whether …
Follow and spread the word: the effects of avatars and message framing in promoting fact checking posts on social media
JR Hou, S Kankham - Information Technology & People, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Fact-checking is a process of seeking and displaying facts to confirm or counter
uncertain information, which reduces the spread of fake news. However, little is known about …
uncertain information, which reduces the spread of fake news. However, little is known about …
La presencia y representación de la mujer científica en la prensa española
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal fomentar la igualdad de género en la
información científica en la prensa y en los medios de comunicación españoles. Para …
información científica en la prensa y en los medios de comunicación españoles. Para …
Culture for socially interactive agents
• A SIA cannot be without cultural background. That means, if culture is not explicitly
considered, the SIA will unconsciously contain the cultural cues of the designer as (s) he is …
considered, the SIA will unconsciously contain the cultural cues of the designer as (s) he is …
Structuring the cultural domain with an upper ontology of culture
Study of cultural similarities and differences is an important research topic for many
disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, museology …
disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, museology …
The challenges of the virtual classroom—the semiotics of transmedial literacy in VR education
K Davidson - Language and Semiotic Studies, 2021 - degruyter.com
Abstract In 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic required a significant number of students
to move their education online, via digital classrooms. The use of virtual learning …
to move their education online, via digital classrooms. The use of virtual learning …
[CARTE][B] Cultures in human-computer interaction
S Sayago - 2023 - Springer
This introductory chapter presents the motivations for this synthesis and its objectives. It also
outlines the overall perspective on culture that is adopted herein and the contributions this …
outlines the overall perspective on culture that is adopted herein and the contributions this …