[CARTE][B] Cyberpragmatics: Internet-mediated communication in context

F Yus - 2011 - library.oapen.org
Cyberpragmatics is an analysis of Internet-mediated communication from the perspective of
cognitive pragmatics. It addresses a whole range of interactions that can be found on the …

Fast reproducible floating-point summation

J Demmel, HD Nguyen - 2013 IEEE 21st Symposium on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Reproducibility, ie getting the bitwise identical floating point results from multiple runs of the
same program, is a property that many users depend on either for debugging or correctness …

Your money or your data: Avatar embodiment options in the identity economy

AS Won, DZ Davis - Convergence, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In the physical world, choices about self-representation are tied to the body. However, avatar
embodiment offers users many more options. These options are often constrained or …

Cuteness in avatar design: A cross-cultural study on the influence of baby schema features and other visual characteristics

S Lieber-Milo, Y Amichai-Hamburger, T Yonezawa… - AI & SOCIETY, 2024 - Springer
The concept of cuteness, which can evoke positive emotions in people, is an essential
aspect to consider in artificial intelligence design. This study aimed to investigate whether …

Follow and spread the word: the effects of avatars and message framing in promoting fact checking posts on social media

JR Hou, S Kankham - Information Technology & People, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Fact-checking is a process of seeking and displaying facts to confirm or counter
uncertain information, which reduces the spread of fake news. However, little is known about …

La presencia y representación de la mujer científica en la prensa española

EA Vico, GP Castillo, PR Rey, DJ Semova… - Revista Latina de …, 2014 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal fomentar la igualdad de género en la
información científica en la prensa y en los medios de comunicación españoles. Para …

Culture for socially interactive agents

B Lugrin, M Rehm - The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents: 20 …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
• A SIA cannot be without cultural background. That means, if culture is not explicitly
considered, the SIA will unconsciously contain the cultural cues of the designer as (s) he is …

Structuring the cultural domain with an upper ontology of culture

EG Blanchard, R Mizoguchi, SP Lajoie - Handbook of research on …, 2011 - igi-global.com
Study of cultural similarities and differences is an important research topic for many
disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, museology …

The challenges of the virtual classroom—the semiotics of transmedial literacy in VR education

K Davidson - Language and Semiotic Studies, 2021 - degruyter.com
Abstract In 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic required a significant number of students
to move their education online, via digital classrooms. The use of virtual learning …

[CARTE][B] Cultures in human-computer interaction

S Sayago - 2023 - Springer
This introductory chapter presents the motivations for this synthesis and its objectives. It also
outlines the overall perspective on culture that is adopted herein and the contributions this …