[HTML][HTML] A review on metamaterials for device applications
Metamaterials are the major type of artificially engineered materials which exhibit naturally
unobtainable properties according to how their microarchitectures are engineered. Owing to …
unobtainable properties according to how their microarchitectures are engineered. Owing to …
Superconducting metamaterials
Metamaterials, ie artificial, man-made media designed to achieve properties not available in
natural materials, have been the focus of intense research during the last two decades …
natural materials, have been the focus of intense research during the last two decades …
Optical response of atom chains beyond the limit of low light intensity: The validity of the linear classical oscillator model
Atoms subject to weak coherent incident light can be treated as coupled classical linear
oscillators, supporting subradiant and superradiant collective excitation eigenmodes. We …
oscillators, supporting subradiant and superradiant collective excitation eigenmodes. We …
Josephson metamaterial with a widely tunable positive or negative Kerr constant
We report on the microwave characterization of a novel one-dimensional Josephson
metamaterial composed of a chain of asymmetric superconducting quantum interference …
metamaterial composed of a chain of asymmetric superconducting quantum interference …
Pattern formation and chimera states in 2D SQUID metamaterials
The Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) is a highly nonlinear oscillator
with rich dynamical behavior, including chaos. When driven by a time-periodic magnetic flux …
with rich dynamical behavior, including chaos. When driven by a time-periodic magnetic flux …
Effects of strong capacitive coupling between meta-atoms in rf SQUID metamaterials
We consider, for the first time, the effects of strong capacitive and inductive coupling
between radio frequency superconducting quantum interference devices (rf SQUIDs) in an …
between radio frequency superconducting quantum interference devices (rf SQUIDs) in an …
Strong interactions and subradiance in disordered metamaterials
We provide detailed comparisons between experimental findings and numerical simulations
of large cooperatively interacting, spatially disordered metamaterial arrays, consisting of …
of large cooperatively interacting, spatially disordered metamaterial arrays, consisting of …
[HTML][HTML] Tunable superconducting Josephson dielectric metamaterial
We demonstrate a low-dissipation dielectric metamaterial with tunable properties based on
the Josephson effect. Superconducting wires loaded with regularly spaced Josephson …
the Josephson effect. Superconducting wires loaded with regularly spaced Josephson …
Controlled generation of chimera states in SQUID metasurfaces using DC flux gradients
Abstract SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) metasurfaces, subject to a
time-independent (dc) flux gradient and driven by a sinusoidal (ac) flux field, support …
time-independent (dc) flux gradient and driven by a sinusoidal (ac) flux field, support …
[HTML][HTML] Imaging collective behavior in an rf-SQUID metamaterial tuned by DC and RF magnetic fields
We examine the collective behavior of two-dimensional nonlinear superconducting
metamaterials using a non-contact spatially resolved imaging technique. The metamaterial …
metamaterials using a non-contact spatially resolved imaging technique. The metamaterial …