The theory of stabilisation monoids and regular cost functions

T Colcombet - International Colloquium on Automata, Languages …, 2009‏ - Springer
We introduce the notion of regular cost functions: a quantitative extension to the standard
theory of regular languages. We provide equivalent characterisations of this notion by …

Queries with guarded negation

V Bárány, B Ten Cate, M Otto - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2012‏ -
A well-established and fundamental insight in database theory is that negation (also known
as complementation) tends to make queries difficult to process and difficult to reason about …

Weak MSO with the unbounding quantifier

M Bojańczyk - Theory of Computing Systems, 2011‏ - Springer
A new class of languages of infinite words is introduced, called the max-regular languages,
extending the class of ω-regular languages. The class has two equivalent descriptions: in …

Regular cost functions, part I: logic and algebra over words

T Colcombet - Logical methods in computer science, 2013‏ -
The theory of regular cost functions is a quantitative extension to the classical notion of
regularity. A cost function associates to each input a non-negative integer value (or infinity) …

Forms of determinism for automata (invited talk)

T Colcombet - … International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of …, 2012‏ -
We survey in this paper some variants of the notion of determinism, refining the spectrum
between non-determinism and determinism. We present unambiguous automata, strongly …

Regular cost functions over finite trees

T Colcombet, C Löding - … Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in …, 2010‏ -
We develop the theory of regular cost functions over finite trees: aquantitative extension to
the notion of regular languages of trees: Cost functions map each input (tree) to a value in …

Boundedness of conjunctive regular path queries

P Barceló, D Figueira, M Romero - arxiv preprint arxiv:1904.00850, 2019‏ -
We study the boundedness problem for unions of conjunctive regular path queries with
inverses (UC2RPQs). This is the problem of, given a UC2RPQ, checking whether it is …

Weak cost monadic logic over infinite trees

M Vanden Boom - … Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer …, 2011‏ - Springer
Cost monadic logic has been introduced recently as a quantitative extension to monadic
second-order logic. A sentence in the logic defines a function from a set of structures to …

Deterministic automata and extensions of weak mso

M Bojanczyk, S Torunczyk - IARCS Annual Conference on …, 2009‏ -
We introduce a new class of automata on infinite words, called min-automata. We prove that
min-automata have the same expressive power as weak monadic second-order logic (weak …

Quasi-weak cost automata: A new variant of weakness

D Kuperberg, M Vanden Boom - IARCS Annual Conference on …, 2011‏ -
Cost automata have a finite set of counters which can be manipulated on each transition but
do not affect control flow. Based on the evolution of the counter values, these automata …