Outlier detection: Methods, models, and classification
A Boukerche, L Zheng, O Alfandi - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2020 - dl.acm.org
Over the past decade, we have witnessed an enormous amount of research effort dedicated
to the design of efficient outlier detection techniques while taking into consideration …
to the design of efficient outlier detection techniques while taking into consideration …
Forwarding strategies in NDN-based wireless networks: A survey
Named Data Networking (NDN) is a promising Internet architecture paradigm of the future
that adopts the Content Centric Networking (CCN) approach. Applications and users only …
that adopts the Content Centric Networking (CCN) approach. Applications and users only …
Computation offloading and content caching and delivery in vehicular edge network: A survey
The past decade has witnessed the widespread adoption of Cloud Computing (CC) across
automotive industries for a myriad of vehicular applications. A vehicular network that solely …
automotive industries for a myriad of vehicular applications. A vehicular network that solely …
A survey of data dissemination schemes in vehicular named data networking
Abstract Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have become a leading technology
receiving great attention from various research communities as a pivotal infrastructure for …
receiving great attention from various research communities as a pivotal infrastructure for …
Connected and autonomous electric vehicles: Quality of experience survey and taxonomy
More than ever, the automotive industry is shifting towards electric vehicles since
environmental and sustainability concerns are becoming important to potential customers …
environmental and sustainability concerns are becoming important to potential customers …
Service based VEINS framework for vehicular Ad-hoc network (VANET): A systematic review of state-of-the-art
The state-of-the-art framework for VANETs, Vehicles in Network Simulation (VEINS), is
primarily sparse and fragmented. The combination of VANETs and VEINS can improve road …
primarily sparse and fragmented. The combination of VANETs and VEINS can improve road …
[HTML][HTML] Forwarding strategies in vehicular named data networks: A survey
The traditional Internet architecture provides applications with a stable end-to-end
connection between a requester and a source node holding the information. However, in a …
connection between a requester and a source node holding the information. However, in a …
Decentralized receiver-based link stability-aware forwarding scheme for ndn-based vanets
The inter-vehicle communication in the vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) providing
ubiquitous mobility to mobile users is considered an essential component of intelligent …
ubiquitous mobility to mobile users is considered an essential component of intelligent …
Certificateless Proxy Reencryption Scheme (CPRES) Based on Hyperelliptic Curve for Access Control in Content‐Centric Network (CCN)
Information‐centric networking is the develo** model envisioned by an increasing body of
the data communication research community, which shifts the current network paradigm …
the data communication research community, which shifts the current network paradigm …
A hybrid security scheme for inter-vehicle communication in content centric vehicular networks
Content centric networking is one of the emerging paradigm for inter-vehicle communication
that focuses on the contents being shared within the network. In this paper, we have …
that focuses on the contents being shared within the network. In this paper, we have …