Deep learning on image denoising: An overview
Deep learning techniques have received much attention in the area of image denoising.
However, there are substantial differences in the various types of deep learning methods …
However, there are substantial differences in the various types of deep learning methods …
On the use of deep learning for computational imaging
Since their inception in the 1930–1960s, the research disciplines of computational imaging
and machine learning have followed parallel tracks and, during the last two decades …
and machine learning have followed parallel tracks and, during the last two decades …
Learning to see in the dark
Imaging in low light is challenging due to low photon count and low SNR. Short-exposure
images suffer from noise, while long exposure can lead to blurry images and is often …
images suffer from noise, while long exposure can lead to blurry images and is often …
Model-based deep learning
Signal processing, communications, and control have traditionally relied on classical
statistical modeling techniques. Such model-based methods utilize mathematical …
statistical modeling techniques. Such model-based methods utilize mathematical …
Attention guided low-light image enhancement with a large scale low-light simulation dataset
Low-light image enhancement is challenging in that it needs to consider not only brightness
recovery but also complex issues like color distortion and noise, which usually hide in the …
recovery but also complex issues like color distortion and noise, which usually hide in the …
Imaging through glass diffusers using densely connected convolutional networks
Computational imaging through scatter generally is accomplished by first characterizing the
scattering medium so that its forward operator is obtained and then imposing additional …
scattering medium so that its forward operator is obtained and then imposing additional …
Getting to know low-light images with the exclusively dark dataset
Low-light is an inescapable element of our daily surroundings that greatly affects the
efficiency of our vision. Research works on low-light imagery have seen a steady growth …
efficiency of our vision. Research works on low-light imagery have seen a steady growth …
Unpaired learning of deep image denoising
We investigate the task of learning blind image denoising networks from an unpaired set of
clean and noisy images. Such problem setting generally is practical and valuable …
clean and noisy images. Such problem setting generally is practical and valuable …
Image denoising: The deep learning revolution and beyond—a survey paper
Image denoising—removal of additive white Gaussian noise from an image—is one of the
oldest and most studied problems in image processing. Extensive work over several …
oldest and most studied problems in image processing. Extensive work over several …
Seismic shot gather denoising by using a supervised-deep-learning method with weak dependence on real noise data: A solution to the lack of real noise data
In recent years, supervised-deep-learning methods have shown some advantages over
conventional methods in seismic data denoising, such as higher signal-to-noise ratio after …
conventional methods in seismic data denoising, such as higher signal-to-noise ratio after …