Social eye gaze in human-robot interaction: a review
This article reviews the state of the art in social eye gaze for human-robot interaction (HRI). It
establishes three categories of gaze research in HRI, defined by differences in goals and …
establishes three categories of gaze research in HRI, defined by differences in goals and …
Embodiment in socially interactive robots
Physical embodiment is a required component for robots that are structurally coupled with
their real-world environments. However, most socially interactive robots do not need to …
their real-world environments. However, most socially interactive robots do not need to …
[PDF][PDF] Nonverbal overload: A theoretical argument for the causes of Zoom fatigue
JN Bailenson - 2021 - assets.pubpub.org
For decades, scholars have predicted that videoconference technology will disrupt the
practice of commuting daily to and from work and will change the way people socialize. In …
practice of commuting daily to and from work and will change the way people socialize. In …
The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment.
The COVID-19 pandemic propelled many employees into remote work arrangements, and
face-to-face meetings were quickly replaced with virtual meetings. This rapid uptick in the …
face-to-face meetings were quickly replaced with virtual meetings. This rapid uptick in the …
[ספר][B] Teaching and researching: Listening
M Rost - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Teaching and Researching Listening provides a focused, state-of-the-art treatment of the
linguistic, psycholinguistic and pragmatic processes that are involved in oral language use …
linguistic, psycholinguistic and pragmatic processes that are involved in oral language use …
A review of eye gaze in virtual agents, social robotics and hci: Behaviour generation, user interaction and perception
A person's emotions and state of mind are apparent in their face and eyes. As a Latin
proverb states:'The face is the portrait of the mind; the eyes, its informers'. This presents a …
proverb states:'The face is the portrait of the mind; the eyes, its informers'. This presents a …
Conversational gaze aversion for humanlike robots
Gaze aversion-the intentional redirection away from the face of an interlocutor-is an
important nonverbal cue that serves a number of conversational functions, including …
important nonverbal cue that serves a number of conversational functions, including …
Examining the use of nonverbal communication in virtual agents
Virtual agents are systems that add a social dimension to computing, often featuring not only
natural language input but also an embodiment or avatar. This allows them to take on a …
natural language input but also an embodiment or avatar. This allows them to take on a …
The effect of design features on relationship quality with embodied conversational agents: a systematic review
Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) are increasingly used in healthcare and other
settings to improve self-management and provide companionship. Their ability to form close …
settings to improve self-management and provide companionship. Their ability to form close …
“I felt her company”: A qualitative study on factors affecting closeness and emotional support seeking with an embodied conversational agent
Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) show promise for use as companions in emotional
support applications, although real world uptake can be low. Incorporating closeness …
support applications, although real world uptake can be low. Incorporating closeness …