On the use of human mobility proxies for modeling epidemics

M Tizzoni, P Bajardi, A Decuyper… - PLoS computational …, 2014‏ - journals.plos.org
Human mobility is a key component of large-scale spatial-transmission models of infectious
diseases. Correctly modeling and quantifying human mobility is critical for improving …

Weather effects on the patterns of people's everyday activities: a study using GPS traces of mobile phone users

T Horanont, S Phithakkitnukoon, TW Leong… - PloS one, 2013‏ - journals.plos.org
This study explores the effects that the weather has on people's everyday activity patterns.
Temperature, rainfall, and wind speed were used as weather parameters. People's daily …

Heat and organization studies: Organizing in a world approaching 50 C

D Dentoni - Organization Studies, 2024‏ - journals.sagepub.com
As a symptom of the current global climate emergency, rising temperatures pervade
organizational lives. Yet organization studies have hardly investigated the everyday …

[PDF][PDF] Inferring social influence in transport mode choice using mobile phone data

S Phithakkitnukoon, T Sukhvibul, M Demissie… - EPJ Data Science, 2017‏ - Springer
A longitudinal mobile phone data that include both location and communication logs is
analyzed to infer social influence in terms of ego-network effect in the commute mode …

Mobile phones in data collection: a systematic review

F Şahin, Z Yan - International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology …, 2013‏ - igi-global.com
Mobile phones are increasingly popular tools not only for daily use but also for research
purposes. The authors systematically searched related literature using mobile phones as a …

[HTML][HTML] Ubiquitous geo-sensing for context-aware analysis: Exploring relationships between environmental and human dynamics

G Sagl, T Blaschke, E Beinat, B Resch - Sensors, 2012‏ - mdpi.com
Ubiquitous geo-sensing enables context-aware analyses of physical and social
phenomena, ie, analyzing one phenomenon in the context of another. Although such context …

“If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?”: Climate and Preference for Redemptive Narratives

BK Jones, R Kerr - Ecopsychology, 2023‏ - liebertpub.com
In three studies, we explore the question: Is the climate one lives in associated with a
preference for redemptive narratives? Study 1 explores articles (N= 200) from lifestyle …

Inferring Trips and Origin-Destination Flows from Wi-Fi Probe Data: A case study of campus Wi-Fi network

T Jundee, S Phithakkitnukoon, C Ratti - IEEE Access, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work introduces an alternative solution to costly conventional approaches for large-
scale travel behavior data collection by utilizing an opportunistic sensing data source ie, Wi …

[HTML][HTML] Vertical and oblique cultural transmission fluctuating in time and in space

Y Ram, U Liberman, MW Feldman - Theoretical population biology, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Evolutionary models for a cultural trait under vertical and oblique cultural transmission are
analyzed. For a dichotomous trait, both the fitnesses of the variants and their rates of …

[PDF][PDF] Big data processing, analysis and applications in mobile cellular networks

S Brdar, O Novović, N Grujić… - … and Simulation for …, 2019‏ - library.oapen.org
When coupled with spatio-temporal context, location-based data collected in mobile cellular
networks provide insights into patterns of human activity, interactions, and mobility. Whilst …