On the use of human mobility proxies for modeling epidemics
Human mobility is a key component of large-scale spatial-transmission models of infectious
diseases. Correctly modeling and quantifying human mobility is critical for improving …
diseases. Correctly modeling and quantifying human mobility is critical for improving …
Weather effects on the patterns of people's everyday activities: a study using GPS traces of mobile phone users
This study explores the effects that the weather has on people's everyday activity patterns.
Temperature, rainfall, and wind speed were used as weather parameters. People's daily …
Temperature, rainfall, and wind speed were used as weather parameters. People's daily …
Heat and organization studies: Organizing in a world approaching 50 C
As a symptom of the current global climate emergency, rising temperatures pervade
organizational lives. Yet organization studies have hardly investigated the everyday …
organizational lives. Yet organization studies have hardly investigated the everyday …
[PDF][PDF] Inferring social influence in transport mode choice using mobile phone data
A longitudinal mobile phone data that include both location and communication logs is
analyzed to infer social influence in terms of ego-network effect in the commute mode …
analyzed to infer social influence in terms of ego-network effect in the commute mode …
Mobile phones in data collection: a systematic review
Mobile phones are increasingly popular tools not only for daily use but also for research
purposes. The authors systematically searched related literature using mobile phones as a …
purposes. The authors systematically searched related literature using mobile phones as a …
[HTML][HTML] Ubiquitous geo-sensing for context-aware analysis: Exploring relationships between environmental and human dynamics
Ubiquitous geo-sensing enables context-aware analyses of physical and social
phenomena, ie, analyzing one phenomenon in the context of another. Although such context …
phenomena, ie, analyzing one phenomenon in the context of another. Although such context …
“If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?”: Climate and Preference for Redemptive Narratives
BK Jones, R Kerr - Ecopsychology, 2023 - liebertpub.com
In three studies, we explore the question: Is the climate one lives in associated with a
preference for redemptive narratives? Study 1 explores articles (N= 200) from lifestyle …
preference for redemptive narratives? Study 1 explores articles (N= 200) from lifestyle …
Inferring Trips and Origin-Destination Flows from Wi-Fi Probe Data: A case study of campus Wi-Fi network
This work introduces an alternative solution to costly conventional approaches for large-
scale travel behavior data collection by utilizing an opportunistic sensing data source ie, Wi …
scale travel behavior data collection by utilizing an opportunistic sensing data source ie, Wi …
[HTML][HTML] Vertical and oblique cultural transmission fluctuating in time and in space
Evolutionary models for a cultural trait under vertical and oblique cultural transmission are
analyzed. For a dichotomous trait, both the fitnesses of the variants and their rates of …
analyzed. For a dichotomous trait, both the fitnesses of the variants and their rates of …
[PDF][PDF] Big data processing, analysis and applications in mobile cellular networks
When coupled with spatio-temporal context, location-based data collected in mobile cellular
networks provide insights into patterns of human activity, interactions, and mobility. Whilst …
networks provide insights into patterns of human activity, interactions, and mobility. Whilst …