The structure and dynamics of networks with higher order interactions

S Boccaletti, P De Lellis, CI Del Genio, K Alfaro-Bittner… - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
All beauty, richness and harmony in the emergent dynamics of a complex system largely
depend on the specific way in which its elementary components interact. The last twenty-five …

[HTML][HTML] Networks beyond pairwise interactions: Structure and dynamics

F Battiston, G Cencetti, I Iacopini, V Latora, M Lucas… - Physics reports, 2020 - Elsevier
The complexity of many biological, social and technological systems stems from the richness
of the interactions among their units. Over the past decades, a variety of complex systems …

Towards a biologically annotated brain connectome

V Bazinet, JY Hansen, B Misic - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2023 -
The brain is a network of interleaved neural circuits. In modern connectomics, brain
connectivity is typically encoded as a network of nodes and edges, abstracting away the rich …

Simplicial models of social contagion

I Iacopini, G Petri, A Barrat, V Latora - Nature communications, 2019 -
Complex networks have been successfully used to describe the spread of diseases in
populations of interacting individuals. Conversely, pairwise interactions are often not …

Graph theory methods: applications in brain networks

O Sporns - Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Network neuroscience is a thriving and rapidly expanding field. Empirical data on brain
networks, from molecular to behavioral scales, are ever increasing in size and complexity …

Network neuroscience

DS Bassett, O Sporns - Nature neuroscience, 2017 -
Despite substantial recent progress, our understanding of the principles and mechanisms
underlying complex brain function and cognition remains incomplete. Network neuroscience …

Higher-order organization of multivariate time series

A Santoro, F Battiston, G Petri, E Amico - Nature Physics, 2023 -
Time series analysis has proven to be a powerful method to characterize several
phenomena in biology, neuroscience and economics, and to understand some of their …

Epidemics on multilayer simplicial complexes

J Fan, Q Yin, C **a, M Perc - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2022 -
Simplicial complexes describe the simple fact that in social networks a link can connect
more than two individuals. As we show here, this has far-reaching consequences for …

The physics of brain network structure, function and control

CW Lynn, DS Bassett - Nature Reviews Physics, 2019 -
The brain is characterized by heterogeneous patterns of structural connections supporting
unparalleled feats of cognition and a wide range of behaviours. New non-invasive imaging …

On the nature and use of models in network neuroscience

DS Bassett, P Zurn, JI Gold - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2018 -
Network theory provides an intuitively appealing framework for studying relationships
among interconnected brain mechanisms and their relevance to behaviour. As the space of …