Potential environmental impacts of recreational fishing on marine fish stocks and ecosystems
Marine recreational fishing (MRF) is a popular activity that involves millions of people
worldwide. While the impacts of recreational fishing on freshwater ecosystems received …
worldwide. While the impacts of recreational fishing on freshwater ecosystems received …
From coast to coast to coast: ecology and management of seagrass ecosystems across Canada
Seagrass meadows are among the most productive and diverse marine ecosystems,
providing essential structure, functions, and services. They are also among the most …
providing essential structure, functions, and services. They are also among the most …
Slow adaptation in the face of rapid warming leads to collapse of the Gulf of Maine cod fishery
Several studies have documented fish populations changing in response to long-term
warming. Over the past decade, sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Maine increased …
warming. Over the past decade, sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Maine increased …
Deep danger: intra-specific predation risk influences habitat use and aggregation formation of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris
Non-consumptive or risk effects imposed by predators can influence prey behaviour over
different spatio-temporal scales. Prey vulnerability to predation can also be dependent on …
different spatio-temporal scales. Prey vulnerability to predation can also be dependent on …
[HTML][HTML] Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) benefits from the availability of seagrass (Zostera marina) nursery habitat
Abstract The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a species of significant economic and historic
importance but infamous for its decline. Apart from overfishing, the causes of this decline …
importance but infamous for its decline. Apart from overfishing, the causes of this decline …
Thirty‐three years of ocean benthic warming along the US northeast continental shelf and slope: Patterns, drivers, and ecological consequences
Abstract The US Northeast Continental Shelf is experiencing rapid warming, with potentially
profound consequences to marine ecosystems. While satellites document multiple scales of …
profound consequences to marine ecosystems. While satellites document multiple scales of …
Wild Chinook salmon productivity is negatively related to seal density and not related to hatchery releases in the Pacific Northwest
Predation risk and competition among conspecifics significantly affect survival of juvenile
salmon, but are rarely incorporated into models that predict recruitment in salmon …
salmon, but are rarely incorporated into models that predict recruitment in salmon …
Fine-scale habitat use and behavior of a nearshore fish community: nursery functions, predation avoidance, and spatiotemporal habitat partitioning
We have a limited understanding of habitat use and behavior in nearshore fish communities
because they are rarely observed in situ. Consequently, ecologists recommend a process …
because they are rarely observed in situ. Consequently, ecologists recommend a process …
Eastern Baltic cod recruitment revisited—dynamics and impacting factors
The Eastern Baltic cod abundance started rapidly to increase in the mid-2000s as evidenced
by analytical stock assessments, due to increased recruitment and declining fishing …
by analytical stock assessments, due to increased recruitment and declining fishing …
Predation in seagrass beds
The ability of leaves, roots, and rhizomes to reduce the rate of predation on associated
animals is as well studied as any topic having to do with seagrass beds, and is one of the …
animals is as well studied as any topic having to do with seagrass beds, and is one of the …