The impact of e-service quality and customer satisfaction on customer behavior in online shop**

P Rita, T Oliveira, A Farisa - Heliyon, 2019‏ -
The purpose of this study is to develop new knowledge to better understand the most
important dimensions of e-service quality that have impact on customer satisfaction …

Is trust gender biased? A bibliometric review of trust in E-commerce

JR Mumu, P Saona, MAA Mamun… - Journal of Internet …, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
Purpose The goal of this paper is to critically review studies on trust in e-commerce from the
gender perspective. Methodology This paper is based on a systematic literature review …

An integrative model of facial recognition check-in technology adoption intention: the perspective of hotel guests in Singapore

HC Boo, BL Chua - International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality …, 2022‏ -
Purpose This study aims to explain how hotel guests form attitudes toward facial recognition
technology in Singapore by integrating technology acceptance model (TAM), privacy …

Which privacy and security attributes most impact consumers' risk perception and willingness to purchase IoT devices?

P Emami-Naeini, J Dheenadhayalan… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2021‏ -
In prior work, researchers proposed an Internet of Things (IoT) security and privacy label
akin to a food nutrition label, based on input from experts. We conducted a survey with 1,371 …

[PDF][PDF] Artificial intelligence and its ethical implications for marketing

AR Gonçalves, DC Pinto, P Rita… - Emerging Science …, 2023‏ -
Despite the recent developments in AI, ethical questions arise when consumers contemplate
how their data is being treated. This paper develops a conceptual model building on the …

Are you ready for robot services? Exploring robot-service adoption behaviors of hotel-goers

I Jung, W Quan, J Yu, H Han - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
This research aims to provide a meaningful discussion on hotels that want to start robot
services by confirming the effect of consumer's self-identity with robot technology on their …

Effect of e-service quality on e-repurchase intention in Indonesia online shop**: e-satisfaction and e-trust as mediation variables

I Purnamasari, RT Suryandari - European Journal of Business and …, 2023‏ -
The purpose of this study is to develop new knowledge in understanding the effect of
electronic service quality on customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer purchase …

Going cashless in Japan: using exchange benefit and cost approach to study continuance intention of mobile wallet

DL Amoroso, P Ackaradejruangsri - Technology in Society, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Japan has been a leading country introducing mobile wallet technologies. The Japanese
government and related industries have tried to widely diffuse the mobile wallet among …

The effects of motivated consumer innovativeness on consumer acceptance of autonomous delivery robots

M Wu, ASQ Lin, KF Yuen - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024‏ - Elsevier
This research aimed to examine the impacts of motivated consumer innovativeness on
customers' acceptance of autonomous delivery robots (ADRs) using the privacy calculus …

Student adoption of E-learning in higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia: opportunities and challenges

A Hasan, S Habib, MA Khan… - International Journal of …, 2023‏ -
This study aims to explore the various factors influencing students in adopting e-learning in
educational institutions in Saudi Arabia and analyze the relationship between factors of …