The impact of e-service quality and customer satisfaction on customer behavior in online shop**
P Rita, T Oliveira, A Farisa - Heliyon, 2019 - cell.com
The purpose of this study is to develop new knowledge to better understand the most
important dimensions of e-service quality that have impact on customer satisfaction …
important dimensions of e-service quality that have impact on customer satisfaction …
Is trust gender biased? A bibliometric review of trust in E-commerce
Purpose The goal of this paper is to critically review studies on trust in e-commerce from the
gender perspective. Methodology This paper is based on a systematic literature review …
gender perspective. Methodology This paper is based on a systematic literature review …
An integrative model of facial recognition check-in technology adoption intention: the perspective of hotel guests in Singapore
HC Boo, BL Chua - International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to explain how hotel guests form attitudes toward facial recognition
technology in Singapore by integrating technology acceptance model (TAM), privacy …
technology in Singapore by integrating technology acceptance model (TAM), privacy …
Which privacy and security attributes most impact consumers' risk perception and willingness to purchase IoT devices?
P Emami-Naeini, J Dheenadhayalan… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In prior work, researchers proposed an Internet of Things (IoT) security and privacy label
akin to a food nutrition label, based on input from experts. We conducted a survey with 1,371 …
akin to a food nutrition label, based on input from experts. We conducted a survey with 1,371 …
[PDF][PDF] Artificial intelligence and its ethical implications for marketing
AR Gonçalves, DC Pinto, P Rita… - Emerging Science …, 2023 - novaresearch.unl.pt
Despite the recent developments in AI, ethical questions arise when consumers contemplate
how their data is being treated. This paper develops a conceptual model building on the …
how their data is being treated. This paper develops a conceptual model building on the …
Are you ready for robot services? Exploring robot-service adoption behaviors of hotel-goers
This research aims to provide a meaningful discussion on hotels that want to start robot
services by confirming the effect of consumer's self-identity with robot technology on their …
services by confirming the effect of consumer's self-identity with robot technology on their …
Effect of e-service quality on e-repurchase intention in Indonesia online shop**: e-satisfaction and e-trust as mediation variables
I Purnamasari, RT Suryandari - European Journal of Business and …, 2023 - ejbmr.org
The purpose of this study is to develop new knowledge in understanding the effect of
electronic service quality on customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer purchase …
electronic service quality on customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer purchase …
Going cashless in Japan: using exchange benefit and cost approach to study continuance intention of mobile wallet
DL Amoroso, P Ackaradejruangsri - Technology in Society, 2024 - Elsevier
Japan has been a leading country introducing mobile wallet technologies. The Japanese
government and related industries have tried to widely diffuse the mobile wallet among …
government and related industries have tried to widely diffuse the mobile wallet among …
The effects of motivated consumer innovativeness on consumer acceptance of autonomous delivery robots
This research aimed to examine the impacts of motivated consumer innovativeness on
customers' acceptance of autonomous delivery robots (ADRs) using the privacy calculus …
customers' acceptance of autonomous delivery robots (ADRs) using the privacy calculus …
Student adoption of E-learning in higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia: opportunities and challenges
This study aims to explore the various factors influencing students in adopting e-learning in
educational institutions in Saudi Arabia and analyze the relationship between factors of …
educational institutions in Saudi Arabia and analyze the relationship between factors of …