Writer identification using GMM supervectors and exemplar-SVMs
This paper describes a method for robust offline writer identification. We propose to use
RootSIFT descriptors computed densely at the script contours. GMM supervectors are used …
RootSIFT descriptors computed densely at the script contours. GMM supervectors are used …
Robust off-line text independent writer identification using bagged discrete cosine transform features
Efficient writer identification systems identify the authorship of an unknown sample of text
with high confidence. This has made automatic writer identification a very important topic of …
with high confidence. This has made automatic writer identification a very important topic of …
Dissimilarity Gaussian mixture models for efficient offline handwritten text-independent identification using SIFT and RootSIFT descriptors
Handwriting biometrics is the science of identifying the behavioral aspect of an individual's
writing style and exploiting it to develop automated writer identification and verification …
writing style and exploiting it to develop automated writer identification and verification …
Block wise local binary count for off-line text-independent writer identification
Feature engineering is fundamental in applied machine learning. It plays a major role in
writer identification of handwritten documents, which has been an active area of research in …
writer identification of handwritten documents, which has been an active area of research in …
An effective and conceptually simple feature representation for off-line text-independent writer identification
Feature engineering forms an important component of machine learning and pattern
recognition. It is a fundamental process for off-line writer identification of handwritten …
recognition. It is a fundamental process for off-line writer identification of handwritten …
[KNJIGA][B] Handwriting analysis with focus on writer identification and writer retrieval
V Christlein - 2019 - search.proquest.com
In the course of the mass digitization of historical as well as contemporary sources, an
individual examination by means of historical or forensic experts is no longer feasible. A …
individual examination by means of historical or forensic experts is no longer feasible. A …
Icfhr2014 competition on arabic writer identification using ahtid/mw and khatt databases
This paper describes the first edition of the Arabic writer identification competition using
AHTID/MW and KHATT databases held in the context of the 14th International Conference …
AHTID/MW and KHATT databases held in the context of the 14th International Conference …
Supervised Feature Learning for Offline Writer Identification Using VLAD and Double Power Normalization.
D Liang, M Wu, Y Hu - Computers, Materials & Continua, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
As an indispensable part of identity authentication, offline writer identification plays a notable
role in biology, forensics, and historical document analysis. However, identifying handwriting …
role in biology, forensics, and historical document analysis. However, identifying handwriting …
Offline text independent writer identification using ensemble of multi-scale local ternary pattern histograms
Handwriting has been known to be a very strong identifying characteristic of an individual
and can be considered a behavioural biometric trait. This has made hand writer …
and can be considered a behavioural biometric trait. This has made hand writer …
A graph-based solution for writer identification from handwritten text
Writer identification is an active research problem due to its applications in forensic and
historic documents analysis. It is challenging to identify a writer from her handwritten …
historic documents analysis. It is challenging to identify a writer from her handwritten …