Spoof surface plasmon photonics
In undergraduate courses on classical electromagnetism, it is taught that a perfect conductor
expels the electromagnetic (EM) field, and hence its surface is not able to support the …
expels the electromagnetic (EM) field, and hence its surface is not able to support the …
A review of gap-surface plasmon metasurfaces: fundamentals and applications
Plasmonic metasurfaces, which can be considered as the two-dimensional analog of metal-
based metamaterials, have attracted progressively increasing attention in recent years …
based metamaterials, have attracted progressively increasing attention in recent years …
Ultra-wideband and wide-angle perfect solar energy absorber based on Ti nanorings surface plasmon resonance
Solar energy absorption is a very important field in photonics. The successful development
of an efficient, wide-band solar absorber is an extremely powerful driver in this field. We …
of an efficient, wide-band solar absorber is an extremely powerful driver in this field. We …
Plasmonic and metamaterial structures as electromagnetic absorbers
Electromagnetic absorbers have drawn increasing attention in many areas. A series of
plasmonic and metamaterial structures can work as efficient narrowband absorbers due to …
plasmonic and metamaterial structures can work as efficient narrowband absorbers due to …
Colloquium: Nonlinear metamaterials
This Colloquium presents an overview of the research on nonlinear electromagnetic
metamaterials. The developed theoretical approaches and experimental designs are …
metamaterials. The developed theoretical approaches and experimental designs are …
Optical absorbers based on strong interference in ultra‐thin films
Optical absorbers find uses in a wide array of applications across the electromagnetic
spectrum, including photovoltaic and photochemical cells, photodetectors, optical filters …
spectrum, including photovoltaic and photochemical cells, photodetectors, optical filters …
Metal-insulator-metal-based plasmonic metamaterial absorbers at visible and infrared wavelengths: a review
S Ogawa, M Kimata - Materials, 2018 - mdpi.com
Electromagnetic wave absorbers have been investigated for many years with the aim of
achieving high absorbance and tunability of both the absorption wavelength and the …
achieving high absorbance and tunability of both the absorption wavelength and the …
Experimental acoustic ground cloak in air
We present the design, fabrication, and performance analysis for a class of two-dimensional
acoustic cloaking coatings in air. Our approach takes advantage of transformation acoustics …
acoustic cloaking coatings in air. Our approach takes advantage of transformation acoustics …
Broadband polarization-independent perfect absorber using a phase-change metamaterial at visible frequencies
We report a broadband polarization-independent perfect absorber with wide-angle near
unity absorbance in the visible regime. Our structure is composed of an array of thin Au …
unity absorbance in the visible regime. Our structure is composed of an array of thin Au …
Photonic metamaterial absorbers: morphology engineering and interdisciplinary applications
Recent advances in nanofabrication technologies have spurred many breakthroughs in the
field of photonic metamaterials that provide efficient ways of manipulating light–matter …
field of photonic metamaterials that provide efficient ways of manipulating light–matter …