Evolution of crop species: genetics of domestication and diversification
Domestication is a good model for the study of evolutionary processes because of the recent
evolution of crop species (< 12,000 years ago), the key role of selection in their origins, and …
evolution of crop species (< 12,000 years ago), the key role of selection in their origins, and …
Current perspectives and the future of domestication studies
It is difficult to overstate the cultural and biological impacts that the domestication of plants
and animals has had on our species. Fundamental questions regarding where, when, and …
and animals has had on our species. Fundamental questions regarding where, when, and …
Genome-wide association studies in plants: the missing heritability is in the field
Genome-wide association studies in plants: the missing heritability is in the field | Genome
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Barley: a translational model for adaptation to climate change
Barley (H ordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) is an excellent model for understanding agricultural
responses to climate change. Its initial domestication over 10 millennia ago and subsequent …
responses to climate change. Its initial domestication over 10 millennia ago and subsequent …
Exome sequencing of geographically diverse barley landraces and wild relatives gives insights into environmental adaptation
After domestication, during a process of widespread range extension, barley adapted to a
broad spectrum of agricultural environments. To explore how the barley genome responded …
broad spectrum of agricultural environments. To explore how the barley genome responded …
Crop genomics: advances and applications
The completion of reference genome sequences for many important crops and the ability to
perform high-throughput resequencing are providing opportunities for improving our …
perform high-throughput resequencing are providing opportunities for improving our …
Linkage and Association Map** of Arabidopsis thaliana Flowering Time in Nature
B Brachi, N Faure, M Horton, E Flahauw… - PLoS …, 2010 - journals.plos.org
Flowering time is a key life-history trait in the plant life cycle. Most studies to unravel the
genetics of flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana have been performed under greenhouse …
genetics of flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana have been performed under greenhouse …
Photoperiod control of plant growth: flowering time genes beyond flowering
M Osnato, I Cota, P Nebhnani, U Cereijo… - Frontiers in plant …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Fluctuations in environmental conditions greatly influence life on earth. Plants, as sessile
organisms, have developed molecular mechanisms to adapt their development to changes …
organisms, have developed molecular mechanisms to adapt their development to changes …
Genetic perspectives on crop domestication
The process of crop domestication has long been a topic of active research for biologists,
anthropologists and others. Genetic data have proved a powerful resource for drawing …
anthropologists and others. Genetic data have proved a powerful resource for drawing …
The complex origins of domesticated crops in the Fertile Crescent
A combination of genetics and archaeology is revealing the complexity of the relationships
between crop plants and their wild ancestors. Archaeobotanical studies are showing that …
between crop plants and their wild ancestors. Archaeobotanical studies are showing that …