[HTML][HTML] Bi2O2Se: A rising star for semiconductor devices
With weak interlayer interactions and unique physical properties, bismuth oxyselenide (Bi 2
O 2 Se) has become a rising star as a novel quasi-2D material, possessing high symmetry …
O 2 Se) has become a rising star as a novel quasi-2D material, possessing high symmetry …
Tuning spin–orbit coupling in 2D materials for spintronics: a topical review
Atomically-thin 2D materials have opened up new opportunities in the past decade in
realizing novel electronic device concepts, owing to their unusual electronic properties. The …
realizing novel electronic device concepts, owing to their unusual electronic properties. The …
High-κ polymers of intrinsic microporosity: a new class of high temperature and low loss dielectrics for printed electronics
High performance polymer dielectrics are a key component for printed electronics. In this
work, organo-soluble polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) are reported for the first time …
work, organo-soluble polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) are reported for the first time …
Quasi-2D Transport and Weak Antilocalization Effect in Few-layered VSe2
With strong spin–orbit coupling (SOC), ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) transitional metal
chalcogenides (TMDs) are predicted to exhibit weak antilocalization (WAL) effect at low …
chalcogenides (TMDs) are predicted to exhibit weak antilocalization (WAL) effect at low …
InSe/hBN/graphite heterostructure for high-performance 2D electronics and flexible electronics
Abstract Two-dimensional (2D) materials as channel materials provide a promising
alternative route for future electronics and flexible electronics, but the device performance is …
alternative route for future electronics and flexible electronics, but the device performance is …
Strain‐modulated ferromagnetism at an intrinsic van der Waals heterojunction
The van der Waals interaction enables atomically thin layers of exfoliated 2D materials to be
interfaced in heterostructures with relaxed epitaxy conditions, however, the ability to …
interfaced in heterostructures with relaxed epitaxy conditions, however, the ability to …
Suppressing ambient degradation of exfoliated InSe nanosheet devices via seeded atomic layer deposition encapsulation
With exceptional charge carrier mobilities and a direct bandgap at most thicknesses, indium
selenide (InSe) is an emerging layered semiconductor that has generated significant interest …
selenide (InSe) is an emerging layered semiconductor that has generated significant interest …
[HTML][HTML] The optical properties of few-layer InSe
Few-layer InSe draws tremendous research interests owing to the superior electronic and
optical properties. It exhibits a high carrier mobility up to more than 1000 cm 2/Vs at room …
optical properties. It exhibits a high carrier mobility up to more than 1000 cm 2/Vs at room …
Strain effects on rashba spin‐orbit coupling of 2D hole gases in GeSn/Ge heterostructures
A demonstration of 2D hole gases in GeSn/Ge heterostructures with a mobility as high as 20
000 cm2 V− 1 s− 1 is given. Both the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations and integer quantum …
000 cm2 V− 1 s− 1 is given. Both the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations and integer quantum …
Interplay of spin–orbit coupling and Coulomb interaction in ZnO-based electron system
Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) is pivotal for various fundamental spin-dependent phenomena in
solids and their technological applications. In semiconductors, these phenomena have been …
solids and their technological applications. In semiconductors, these phenomena have been …