[BOOK][B] Effective schooling practices: A research synthesis, 1995 update
K Cotton - 1995 - educationnorthwest.org
This is the third edition of a research synthesis document that was first published by the
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) in 1984 and updated in 1990. This …
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) in 1984 and updated in 1990. This …
Fitting to the job: the role of generic and vocational competencies in adjustment and performance
H Heijke, C Meng, C Ris - Labour economics, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper provides new insight into the role of generic and vocational competencies during
the transition from education to the labor market. Using data on the labor market situation of …
the transition from education to the labor market. Using data on the labor market situation of …
Assessing skills for work: two perspectives
C Stasz - Oxford economic papers, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Changes in the nature of work have created demands for new skills and education
and training policies to enhance skill development. To successfully accomplish the latter …
and training policies to enhance skill development. To successfully accomplish the latter …
Making Progress Toward Graduation: Evidence from the Talent Development High School Model.
JJ Kemple, CM Herlihy, TJ Smith - MDRC, 2005 - ERIC
In low-performing public high schools in US cities, high proportions of students drop out,
students who stay in school typically do not succeed academically, and efforts to make …
students who stay in school typically do not succeed academically, and efforts to make …
Do employers need the skills they want? Evidence from technical work
C Stasz - Journal of Education and work, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Changes in the modern workplace, brought about by technology and management
innovations and by increased global competition, raise many concerns about the adequacy …
innovations and by increased global competition, raise many concerns about the adequacy …
An investigation into the role of human capital competences and their pay‐off
H Heijke, C Meng, G Ramaekers - International Journal of Manpower, 2003 - emerald.com
In this paper, the role of three different types of competences in the labour market for higher
education graduates is investigated. The article distinguishes discipline‐specific …
education graduates is investigated. The article distinguishes discipline‐specific …
Career Academies. Communities of Support for Students and Teachers: Emerging Findings from a 10-Site Evaluation.
JJ Kemple - 1997 - ERIC
This report studies career academies to explore students' and teachers' experiences and to
contrast them with those of their peers in regular high school environments. Data are from …
contrast them with those of their peers in regular high school environments. Data are from …
[BOOK][B] Workforce readiness: Competencies and assessment
HF O'Neil Jr, HF O'Neil - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Current economic difficulties and the challenge of competing in the world market have
necessitated a rethinking of American approaches to the utilization of people in …
necessitated a rethinking of American approaches to the utilization of people in …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** generic skills in classroom environment: engineering student's perspective
MZ Kamsah - Conference On Engineering Education (CEE 2004), 2004 - academia.edu
The two greatest concerns of employers today are finding good workers and training them.
The difference between the skills needed on the job and those possessed by applicants …
The difference between the skills needed on the job and those possessed by applicants …
Use of networked simulations as a context to measure team competencies
In previous reports (O'Neil, Allred, & Dennis, 1992; chap. 10, this volume) we documented
several validation studies of our measures of the negotiation subskill of an interpersonal …
several validation studies of our measures of the negotiation subskill of an interpersonal …