Symmetric two-workshop heuristic integrated scheduling algorithm based on process tree cyclic decomposition
W Zhou, P Zhou, D Yang, W Cao, Z Tan, Z **e - Electronics, 2023 - mdpi.com
The existing research on the two-workshop integrated scheduling problem with symmetrical
resources does not consider the complex product attribute structure and the objective …
resources does not consider the complex product attribute structure and the objective …
Improved purely additive fault-tolerant spanners
Let G be an unweighted n-node undirected graph. A β-additive spanner of G is a spanning
subgraph H of G such that distances in H are stretched at most by an additive term β wrt the …
subgraph H of G such that distances in H are stretched at most by an additive term β wrt the …
[PDF][PDF] 工艺树子树循环分解的资源协同综合调度算法
谢志**, 周伟, 杨静 - 机械工程学报, 2022 - qikan.cmes.org
针对多品种, 小批量复杂产品综合调度中, 因忽略工艺树整体约束关系而产生较多设备空隙,
影响设备利用率的问题, 提出了工艺树子树循环分解的资源协同综合调度算法 …
影响设备利用率的问题, 提出了工艺树子树循环分解的资源协同综合调度算法 …
Subexponential time algorithms for finding small tree and path decompositions
Abstract The Minimum Size Tree Decomposition (MSTD) and Minimum Size Path
Decomposition (MSPD) problems ask for a given n-vertex graph G and integer k, what is the …
Decomposition (MSPD) problems ask for a given n-vertex graph G and integer k, what is the …
On tradeoffs between width-and fill-like graph parameters
D Dereniowski, A Stański - Theory of Computing Systems, 2019 - Springer
In this work we consider two two-criteria optimization problems: given an input graph, the
goal is to find its interval (or chordal) supergraph that minimizes the number of edges and its …
goal is to find its interval (or chordal) supergraph that minimizes the number of edges and its …
Towards efficient and fault-tolerant optical networks: complexity and algorithms
FZ Moataz - 2015 - theses.hal.science
We study in this thesis optimization problems with application in optical networks. The
problems we consider are related to fault-tolerance and efficient resource allocation and the …
problems we consider are related to fault-tolerance and efficient resource allocation and the …
[PDF][PDF] Vers des Réseaux Optiques Efficaces et Tolérants aux Pannes: Complexité et Algorithmes
C Laforest-ISIMA, H Rivano-Inria - core.ac.uk
Nous étudions dans cette thèse des problèmes d'optimisation avec applications dans les
réseaux optiques. Les problèmes étudiés sont liés à la tolérance aux pannes et à l'utilisation …
réseaux optiques. Les problèmes étudiés sont liés à la tolérance aux pannes et à l'utilisation …
[CITARE][C] Resource cooperative integrated scheduling algorithm based on sub-tree cycle decomposition of process Tree
谢志**, 周伟, 杨静 - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022