Entanglement contour perspective for “strong area-law violation” in a disordered long-range hop** model
We numerically investigate the link between the delocalization-localization transition and
entanglement in a disordered long-range hop** model of spinless fermions by studying …
entanglement in a disordered long-range hop** model of spinless fermions by studying …
Critical dynamics of long-range quantum disordered systems
Long-range hop**s in quantum disordered systems are known to yield quantum
multifractality, the features of which can go beyond the characteristic properties associated …
multifractality, the features of which can go beyond the characteristic properties associated …
Transport phenomena and correlation dynamics of a one-dimensional effective Hamiltonian equivalent to the hexagonal Harper model
The phase diagram of the one-dimensional hexagonal Harper (HH) model reveals the
presence of two metallic phases and one insulating phase, separated by critical lines and a …
presence of two metallic phases and one insulating phase, separated by critical lines and a …
Generalized Dyson model: Nature of the zero mode and its implication in dynamics
We study the role of the anomalous E= 0 state in dynamical properties of noninteracting
fermionic chains with chiral symmetry and correlated bond disorder in one dimension. These …
fermionic chains with chiral symmetry and correlated bond disorder in one dimension. These …
Wave-function extreme value statistics in Anderson localization
We consider a disordered one-dimensional tight-binding model with power-law decaying
hop** amplitudes to disclose wave-function maximum distributions related to the …
hop** amplitudes to disclose wave-function maximum distributions related to the …
Statistics of the two-point transmission at anderson localization transitions
C Monthus, T Garel - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2009 - APS
At Anderson critical points, the statistics of the two-point transmission TL for disordered
samples of linear size L is expected to be multifractal with the following properties [Janssen …
samples of linear size L is expected to be multifractal with the following properties [Janssen …
[HTML][HTML] From modulational instability to self-trap** in nonlinear chains with power-law hop** amplitudes
The modulational instability problem in tight-binding nonlinear chains with long-ranged
hop** amplitudes decaying as 1∕ r α is investigated. Exploring that the spectral …
hop** amplitudes decaying as 1∕ r α is investigated. Exploring that the spectral …
Diffusive, super-diffusive and ballistic transport in the long-range correlated 1D Anderson model
In this paper, we study the 1D Anderson model with long-range correlated on-site energies.
This diagonal-correlated disorder is considered in such a way that the random sequence of …
This diagonal-correlated disorder is considered in such a way that the random sequence of …
Anderson transitions: multifractal or non-multifractal statistics of the transmission as afunction of the scattering geometry
C Monthus, T Garel - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
The scaling theory of Anderson localization is based on a global conductance g L that
remains a random variable of order O (1) at criticality. One realization of such a conductance …
remains a random variable of order O (1) at criticality. One realization of such a conductance …
Stationary and dynamical aspects of two-magnon states in disordered ferromagnetic chains
We study the nature of collective two-spin excitations in disordered S= 1∕ 2 ferromagnetic
chains. Using a direct diagonalization scheme, we characterize the two-magnon eigenstates …
chains. Using a direct diagonalization scheme, we characterize the two-magnon eigenstates …