Is barrier island morphology a function of tidal and wave regime?
Classification of barrier island morphology stems from the seminal work of MO Hayes and
others, which linked island shape to tidal range and wave height and defined coastal energy …
others, which linked island shape to tidal range and wave height and defined coastal energy …
Coastal flooding from wave overtop** and sea level rise adaptation in the northeastern USA
D ** poses a
constant threat to coastal communities during storm events. The purpose of this study is to …
constant threat to coastal communities during storm events. The purpose of this study is to …
Interplay between river discharge and tides in a delta distributary
The hydrodynamics of distributary channels has tremendous impact on nutrient and
dissolved oxygen circulation, transport of sediments, and delta formation and evolution; yet …
dissolved oxygen circulation, transport of sediments, and delta formation and evolution; yet …
The importance of wave climate forecasting on the decision-making process for nearshore wave energy exploitation
This work presents a new methodology for the medium to long-term stochastic forecasting of
the main variables and indexes related to the wave climate that are involved in the decision …
the main variables and indexes related to the wave climate that are involved in the decision …
Alongshore sediment bypassing as a control on river mouth morphodynamics
River mouths, shoreline locations where fluvial and coastal sediments are partitioned via
erosion, trap**, and redistribution, are responsible for the ultimate sedimentary …
erosion, trap**, and redistribution, are responsible for the ultimate sedimentary …
Wave–current interaction by Typhoon Fongwong on saline water intrusion and vertical stratification in the Yangtze River Estuary
Saline water intrusion and vertical stratification are two important phenomena in estuaries,
and thereby inextricably related to water mixing. In this study, a coupled 3D current-wave …
and thereby inextricably related to water mixing. In this study, a coupled 3D current-wave …
Wave–current interaction between Hurricane Matthew wave fields and the Gulf Stream
Hurricanes interact with the Gulf Stream in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) through a wide
variety of processes, which are crucial to understand for prediction of open-ocean and …
variety of processes, which are crucial to understand for prediction of open-ocean and …
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling of N ew R iver I nlet (NC) under the interaction of tides and waves
The interactions between waves, tidal currents, and bathymetry near New River Inlet, NC,
USA are investigated to understand the effects on the resulting hydrodynamics and …
USA are investigated to understand the effects on the resulting hydrodynamics and …
Rip currents and alongshore flows in single channels dredged in the surf zone
To investigate the dynamics of flows near nonuniform bathymetry, single channels (on
average 30 m wide and 1.5 m deep) were dredged across the surf zone at five different …
average 30 m wide and 1.5 m deep) were dredged across the surf zone at five different …
Surface wave breaking over sheared currents: Observations from the M outh of the C olumbia R iver
Measurements of waves and currents from freely drifting buoys are used to evaluate wave
breaking parameterizations at the Mouth of the Columbia River, where breaking occurs in …
breaking parameterizations at the Mouth of the Columbia River, where breaking occurs in …