Locality and entanglement in table-top testing of the quantum nature of linearized gravity
This paper points out the importance of the assumption of locality of physical interactions,
and the concomitant necessity of propagation of an entity (in this case, off-shell quanta …
and the concomitant necessity of propagation of an entity (in this case, off-shell quanta …
Using an atom interferometer to infer gravitational entanglement generation
If gravitational perturbations are quantized into gravitons in analogy with the electromagnetic
field and photons, the resulting graviton interactions should lead to an entangling interaction …
field and photons, the resulting graviton interactions should lead to an entangling interaction …
General quantum-classical dynamics as measurement based feedback
A Tilloy - SciPost Physics, 2024 - scipost.org
This note derives the stochastic differential equations and partial differential equation of
general hybrid quantum--classical dynamics from the theory of continuous measurement …
general hybrid quantum--classical dynamics from the theory of continuous measurement …
Correlations and signaling in the Schrödinger–Newton model
Abstract The Schrödinger–Newton (SN) model is a semi-classical theory in which, in
addition to mutual attraction, massive quantum particles interact with their own gravitational …
addition to mutual attraction, massive quantum particles interact with their own gravitational …
Hybrid geometrodynamics: a Hamiltonian description of classical gravity coupled to quantum matter
JL Alonso, C Bouthelier-Madre… - … and Quantum Gravity, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
We generalize the Hamiltonian picture of general relativity coupled to classical matter,
known as geometrodynamics, to the case where such matter is described by a quantum field …
known as geometrodynamics, to the case where such matter is described by a quantum field …
Quantum-information methods for quantum gravity laboratory-based tests
Quantum theory and general relativity are about one century old. At present, they are
considered the best available explanations of physical reality, and they have been so far …
considered the best available explanations of physical reality, and they have been so far …
New class of generalized coupling theories
We propose a new class of gravity theories which are characterized by a nontrivial coupling
between the gravitational metric and matter mediated by an auxiliary rank-2 tensor. The …
between the gravitational metric and matter mediated by an auxiliary rank-2 tensor. The …
Tabletop experiments for quantum gravity are also tests of the interpretation of quantum mechanics
E Adlam - Foundations of Physics, 2022 - Springer
Recently there has been a great deal of interest in tabletop experiments intended to exhibit
the quantum nature of gravity by demonstrating that it can induce entanglement. In order to …
the quantum nature of gravity by demonstrating that it can induce entanglement. In order to …
Newton's laws of motion can generate gravity-mediated entanglement
The interface between quantum theory and gravity represents still uncharted territory.
Recently, some works suggested promising alternative approaches aimed at witnessing …
Recently, some works suggested promising alternative approaches aimed at witnessing …
Gravitational interaction through a feedback mechanism
We study the models of Kafri et al.(KTM) and Tilloy and Diósi (TD), both of which implement
gravity between quantum systems through a continuous measurement and feedback …
gravity between quantum systems through a continuous measurement and feedback …