Quantum storage of entangled photons at telecom wavelengths in a crystal

MH Jiang, W Xue, Q He, YY An, X Zheng, WJ Xu… - Nature …, 2023‏ - nature.com
Quantum storage and distribution of entanglement are the key ingredients for realizing a
global quantum internet. Compatible with existing fiber networks, telecom-wavelength …

Demonstrating the Potential of Alkali Metal-Doped Cyclic C6O6Li6 Organometallics as Electrides and High-Performance NLO Materials

S Wajid, N Kosar, F Ullah, MA Gilani, K Ayub… - ACS …, 2021‏ - ACS Publications
In this report, the geometric and electronic properties and static and dynamic
hyperpolarizabilities of alkali metal-doped C6O6Li6 organometallics are analyzed via …

Optical spin-wave storage in a solid-state hybridized electron-nuclear spin ensemble

M Businger, A Tiranov, KT Kaczmarek, S Welinski… - Physical review …, 2020‏ - APS
Solid-state impurity spins with optical control are currently investigated for quantum networks
and repeaters. Among these, rare-earth-ion doped crystals are promising as quantum …

[HTML][HTML] Epitaxial Er-doped Y2O3 on silicon for quantum coherent devices

MK Singh, A Prakash, G Wolfowicz, J Wen, Y Huang… - APL Materials, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
Rare-earth ions (REIs) have incomplete 4f shells and possess narrow optical intra-4f
transitions due to shielding from electrons in the 5s and 5p orbitals, making them good …

Broadband quantum memory in atomic ensembles

K Shinbrough, DR Pearson Jr, B Fang… - Advances in Atomic …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Broadband quantum memory is critical to enabling the operation of emerging photonic
quantum technology at high speeds. Here we review a central challenge to achieving …

Electron spin coherence in optically excited states of rare-earth ions for microwave to optical quantum transducers

S Welinski, PJT Woodburn, N Lauk, RL Cone… - Physical Review Letters, 2019‏ - APS
Efficient and reversible optical to microwave transducers are required for entanglement
transfer between superconducting qubits and light in quantum networks. Rare-earth-doped …

Coherence time extension by large-scale optical spin polarization in a rare-earth doped crystal

S Welinski, A Tiranov, M Businger, A Ferrier, M Afzelius… - Physical Review X, 2020‏ - APS
Optically addressable spins are actively investigated in quantum communication,
processing, and sensing. Optical and spin coherence lifetimes, which determine quantum …

Universal quantum computing using electronuclear wavefunctions of rare-earth ions

M Grimm, A Beckert, G Aeppli, M Müller - Prx Quantum, 2021‏ - APS
We propose a scheme for universal quantum computing based on Kramers rare-earth ions.
Their nuclear spins in the presence of a Zeeman-split electronic crystal field ground state act …

Z-scan and DFT approach for investigating the NLO properties of imidazole fused anthraquinone dyes

NN Ayare, CW Ghanavatkar, MC Sreenath… - … of Photochemistry and …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The NLO characteristics of anthraquinone imidazole-fused D-π-A dyes were investigated by
Z-scan and density functional theory (DFT) methods. The electronic and photophysical …

Enhanced performance of GO and RGO/Y2SiO5: Sm3+ nanocomposites for supercapacitors and biosensors

NR Nadar, J Deepak, SC Sharma, BRR Krushna… - Materials Science and …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The increasing demand for high-performance materials in energy storage and biosensing
applications highlights the need for ongoing research. Traditional materials often fail to meet …