Spin pum** in nanolayers of WS2/Co2FeAl heterostructures: Large spin mixing conductance and spin transparency

S Hait, NK Gupta, N Sharma, L Pandey… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Materials with high spin–orbit coupling (SOC) are a prerequisite for the realization of spin–
orbit torque-based magnetic memories. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are an apt …

Spin-to-charge conversion efficiency in the topological insulator and heavy metals W and Pt stacked with the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal

N Sharma, N Kumar, L Pandey, N Kumar Gupta, S Hait… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The Weyl semimetal Co 2 MnGa (CMG) has recently attracted significant attention in the field
of condensed matter physics because of its unique topological features along with the …

Side-jump scattering enhanced spin Hall effect in SrTiO3-implanted Pt

Z Lin, X Xu, L Zhang, J Wei, Z Zhong, X Tang… - Applied Physics …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
A spin Hall effect (SHE) enables the electrical generation and detection of spin currents for
promising applications in spintronics, but heavy metals with low spin Hall angle θ SH limit …

Topological surface state induced spin pum** in sputtered topological insulator (Bi2Te3)–ferromagnet (Co60Fe20B20) heterostructures

L Pandey, R Gupta, A Khan, NK Gupta, S Hait… - Journal of Applied …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Topological insulators with high spin–orbit coupling and helically spin-momentum-locked
topological surface states (TSSs) can serve as efficient spin current generators for modern …

Effect of the growth rate on the structural, magnetic and transport properties of NiFe thin films

E Goyat, L Pandey, S Hait, NK Gupta, V Mishra… - Journal of Materials …, 2023 - Springer
In this report, a detailed study of the influence of growth rate on the structural, magnetic, and
transport properties of Ni81Fe19 (NiFe) thin films of nominal thickness~ 13 nm, deposited at …

Ta interfaced CoFeB: role of CoFeB thickness and thermal annealing in modification of structural and magnetic properties

H Vardhan, V Srihari, K Sharma, S Singh, M Gupta… - Surfaces and …, 2023 - Elsevier
CoFeB interfaced with heavy metals is a potential system for spintronic applications. In the
present work, evolution of magnetic and structural properties of CoFeB interfaced with Ta …

High temperature stability in few atomic layer MoS 2 based thin film heterostructures: structural, static and dynamic magnetization properties

NK Gupta, A Kumar, L Pandey, S Hait, V Barwal… - Nanoscale, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have shown commendable properties for
spintronic applications. From the device perspective, the structural quality of the TMD as well …

Growth and characterization of the sputtered type-II topological semimetal PdTe2 thin films and PdTe2/Co60Fe20B20 heterostructures

L Pandey, N Kumar, A Khan, NK Gupta, S Hait… - Journal of Magnetism …, 2023 - Elsevier
The topological phases such as Dirac/Weyl semimetals are recently observed in Layered
transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). The family of materials XTe 2 (with X= Pd, Pt and …

Spin-pum** investigations in as-deposited and 400° C annealed Co60Fe20B20/Mo heterostructures

NK Gupta, A Kumar, S Hait, L Pandey… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
The spin-pum** behavior in the as-deposited and post-deposition annealed (at 400 C) Co
60 Fe 20 B 20/Molybdenum (CoFeB/Mo) heterostructures is investigated. It is found that …

Design of behavior prediction model of molybdenum disulfide magnetic tunnel junctions using deep networks

S Makdey, R Patrikar - Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) are widely used in spintronics development owing to their
high scalability and minimal power consumption. However, analyzing the electrical and …