A model-based design methodology for cyber-physical systems
Model-based design is a powerful design technique for cyber-physical systems, but too often
literature assumes knowledge of a methodology without reference to an explicit design …
literature assumes knowledge of a methodology without reference to an explicit design …
D3: a dynamic deadline-driven approach for building autonomous vehicles
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) must drive across a variety of challenging environments that
impose continuously-varying deadlines and runtime-accuracy tradeoffs on their software …
impose continuously-varying deadlines and runtime-accuracy tradeoffs on their software …
Method to assess the adherence of internal logistics equipment to the concept of CPS for industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 foresees benefits to companies and is supported by technologies such as Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), among others …
Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), among others …
Intelligent seven-DoF robot with dynamic obstacle avoidance and 3-D object recognition for industrial cyber–physical systems in manufacturing automation
RC Luo, CW Kuo - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a service-oriented multiagent system (SoMAS) for the control and analysis of
the cyber–physical system (CPS) in manufacturing automation utilizing a noncontact …
the cyber–physical system (CPS) in manufacturing automation utilizing a noncontact …
Achieving determinism in adaptive AUTOSAR
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform (AP) is an emerging industry standard that tackles the
challenges of modern auto-motive software design, but does not provide adequate …
challenges of modern auto-motive software design, but does not provide adequate …
[HTML][HTML] Composable distributed real-time systems with deterministic network channels
A system that needs to interact with the physical world in a timely manner is called a real-
time system. When such a system is composed of multiple subsystems, or nodes, each of …
time system. When such a system is composed of multiple subsystems, or nodes, each of …
Facilitating distributed data-flow programming with Eclipse Zenoh: The ERDOS case
Data-flow programming is the computational model of choice for a large class of application
domains, such as, real-time data processing, robotics platforms, and big-data analytics …
domains, such as, real-time data processing, robotics platforms, and big-data analytics …
Achieving resilience in distributed software systems via self-reconfiguration
Improvements in mobile networking combined with the ubiquitous availability and adoption
of low-cost development boards have enabled the vision of mobile platforms of Cyber …
of low-cost development boards have enabled the vision of mobile platforms of Cyber …
A formal model of IEC 61499-based industrial automation architecture supporting time-aware computations
This paper proposes a formal model for industrial cyber-physical systems (CPS) with
distributed control based on IEC 61499 standard and supporting time-aware computations …
distributed control based on IEC 61499 standard and supporting time-aware computations …
Using ReversePTP to distribute time in software defined networks
Accurate time can be a useful tool in Software Defined Networks (SDN), allowing to
coordinate network updates and topology changes, and to timestamp events and …
coordinate network updates and topology changes, and to timestamp events and …