Deep learning and earth observation to support the sustainable development goals: Current approaches, open challenges, and future opportunities
The synergistic combination of deep learning (DL) models and Earth observation (EO)
promises significant advances to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). New …
promises significant advances to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). New …
[HTML][HTML] Object detection and image segmentation with deep learning on Earth observation data: A review—Part II: Applications
In Earth observation (EO), large-scale land-surface dynamics are traditionally analyzed by
investigating aggregated classes. The increase in data with a very high spatial resolution …
investigating aggregated classes. The increase in data with a very high spatial resolution …
Panoptic segmentation of satellite image time series with convolutional temporal attention networks
Unprecedented access to multi-temporal satellite imagery has opened new perspectives for
a variety of Earth observation tasks. Among them, pixel-precise panoptic segmentation of …
a variety of Earth observation tasks. Among them, pixel-precise panoptic segmentation of …
Improving agricultural field parcel delineation with a dual branch spatiotemporal fusion network by integrating multimodal satellite data
Accurate spatial information for agricultural field parcels is important for agricultural
production management and understanding agro-industrialization and intensification …
production management and understanding agro-industrialization and intensification …
Using a semantic edge-aware multi-task neural network to delineate agricultural parcels from remote sensing images
This paper presents a semantic edge-aware multi-task neural network (SEANet) to obtain
closed boundaries when delineating agricultural parcels from remote sensing images. It …
closed boundaries when delineating agricultural parcels from remote sensing images. It …
A comprehensive transferability evaluation of U-Net and ResU-Net for landslide detection from Sentinel-2 data (case study areas from Taiwan, China, and Japan)
Earthquakes and heavy rainfalls are the two leading causes of landslides around the world.
Since they often occur across large areas, landslide detection requires rapid and reliable …
Since they often occur across large areas, landslide detection requires rapid and reliable …
[HTML][HTML] Delineation of agricultural fields using multi-task BsiNet from high-resolution satellite images
This paper presents a new multi-task neural network, called BsiNet, to delineate agricultural
fields from high-resolution satellite images. BsiNet is modified from a Psi-Net by structuring …
fields from high-resolution satellite images. BsiNet is modified from a Psi-Net by structuring …
[HTML][HTML] Automated delineation of agricultural field boundaries from Sentinel-2 images using recurrent residual U-Net
Delineation of agricultural fields is desirable for operational monitoring of agricultural
production and is essential to support food security. Due to large within-class variance of …
production and is essential to support food security. Due to large within-class variance of …
Deep learning in cropland field identification: A review
The cropland field (CF) is the basic unit of agricultural production and a key element of
precision agriculture. High-precision delineations of CF boundaries provide a reliable data …
precision agriculture. High-precision delineations of CF boundaries provide a reliable data …
MDE-UNet: A multitask deformable UNet combined enhancement network for farmland boundary segmentation
Y Wang, L Gu, T Jiang, F Gao - IEEE Geoscience and Remote …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Farmland segmentation scenario from remote sensing images plays an important role in
crop growth monitoring, precision agriculture, and intelligent agriculture. To achieve high …
crop growth monitoring, precision agriculture, and intelligent agriculture. To achieve high …