Stratification and diel activity of arthropods in a lowland rainforest in Gabon

Y Basset, HP Aberlenc, H Barrios… - Biological Journal of …, 2001 -
The abundance, activity and species richness of arthropods, particularly of insect herbivores,
were investigated in the upper canopy and understorey of a lowland rainforest at La …

How territoriality and host-tree taxa determine the structure of ant mosaics

A Dejean, S Ryder, B Bolton, A Compin… - The Science of …, 2015 - Springer
Very large colonies of territorially dominant arboreal ants (TDAAs), whose territories are
distributed in a mosaic pattern in the canopies of many tropical rainforests and tree crop …

[PDF][PDF] Amphibians and reptiles of Monts Doudou, Gabon: species turnover along an elevational gradient

M Burger, WR Branch, A Channing - Memoirs of the California …, 2004 -
Un inventaire herpétofaunal de 28 jours a été conduit au complexe de réserve de Mont
Doudou-Moukalaba au Sud-Ouest du Gabon, pendant février-mars 2000. Les trous-pièges …

[PDF][PDF] An assessment of the amphibian fauna of the Gamba Complex of Protected Areas, Gabon

M Burger, OSG Rauwels, WR Branch… - Bulletin of the …, 2006 -
At the Third World Congress of Herpetology held in 1997 in Prague, Czech Republic, a
special minisymposium titled “Africa, the forgotten continent” was run concurrently with the …

[PDF][PDF] Amphibians and national parks in Gabon, western Central Africa

OSG Pauwels, MO Rödel - Herpetozoa, 2007 -
ABSTRACT A synthesis of the current state-of-knowledge of amphibian diversity in Gabon
and in the recently created Gabonese National Parks is provided. Preliminary inventories …

[PDF][PDF] Liste taxonomique commentée et catalogue illustré des Amphibiens du Gabon

M Dewynter, T Frétey - Les cahiers de la fondation Biotope, 2019 -
Liste taxonomique commentée et catalogue illustré des Amphibiens du Gabon. Page 1 Les
cahiers de la fondation 27 NUMER O Liste taxonomique commentée et catalogue illustré …

[HTML][HTML] Dusted off—the African Amietophrynus superciliaris-species complex of giant toads

MF Barej, A Schmitz, M Menegon, A Hillers, H Hinkel… - Zootaxa, 2011 -
Amietophrynus superciliaris is known to occur in rain forests from West Africa to eastern
Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. We herein present morphological and molecular …

[PDF][PDF] Mve Beh JH, Emrich AM, Blackburn DC. 2017. Amphibians of Haut-Ogooué Province, southeastern Gabon

GFM Jongsma, E Tobi… - Amphibian & … -
We provide the most complete inventory to date of amphibians for Haut-Ogooué province in
southeastern Gabon. This inventory is based on an 11-day survey conducted in 2015 …

[PDF][PDF] Répartition écologique des amphibiens dans la Réserve de Faune de la Lopé et la station biologique de la Makandé (Gabon)

CP Blanc, T Fretey - Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 2004 -
La distribution des adultes des 43 espèces d'Amphibiens (6 familles et 20 genres)
échantillonnées dans deux forêts ombrophiles contiguës de La Lopé et de La Makandé au …

Revue des genres africains Arthroleptis Smith, 1849 et Phrynobatrachus Günther, 1862 (Amphibia, Anura)

T Frétey - Alytes, 2008 -
For a long time, and although the two genera are not closely allied, generic allocation of the
species of the genera Arthroleptis (Anura, Brevicipitidae, Arthroleptinae) and …